
一个人心烦心累的句子 写给傻傻的自己!



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一、 世界上哪有那么多的将心比心,你一味的付出不过是惯出来得寸进尺的人。太过考虑别人的感受,就注定自己不好受。所以啊,余生没那么长,请你忠于自己,活得还像自己。Where in the world there are so many heart-to-heart, you blindly pay is just a habitual person. If you think too much about other people"s feelings, you are doomed to feel bad. So ah, the rest of your life is not that long. Please be loyal to yourself and live like yourself.

二、 你做过一次手术,就知道喝药根本算不上苦;你狠狠摔倒过,就知道擦破皮不值得哭;你被背叛过,就知道吵两句嘴不伤真感情;希望你慢慢学会长大,希望你开始不在意受伤。希望你伤痕累累,但依然闪闪发光。If you have had an operation, you will know that it is not bitter to drink medicine; if you have fallen hard, you will know that scraping skin is not worth crying; if you have been betrayed, you will know that bickering does not hurt your true feelings; if you learn to grow up slowly, you will begin to care less about injuries. I hope you"re scarred, but still shining.

三、你永远也不晓得自己有多喜欢一个人,除非你看见他和别的人在一起。在无数个失眠的晚上,相信会有很多人,习惯性地闭上眼睛,安静的想念一个人,想念一张脸。真正的绝望不是世界沦陷全球被淹没,而是当你快被淹死时,却看到周遭的人都能随心所欲地呼吸。You never know how much you like a person unless you see him with someone else. In countless insomnia nights, I believe there will be many people, habitually close their eyes, quietly miss a person, miss a face. The real despair is not that the world falls into global submergence, but that when you are about to drown, you see that everyone around you can breathe as you please.

四、所谓白夜,是被剥夺的夜晚,还是被赐予的白昼,将夜晚伪装成白昼的太阳,是出于善意,还是出于恶意呢?我一直在思考这些,总之我已经厌倦继续走在这分不清白昼和夜晚的世界,我想走在白昼的街上。我的人生,就像是活在白夜中。结束吧,所有这一切为了你,也为了我。Is the so-called night a night of deprivation or a day granted to disguise the night as the sun of day, out of goodwill or malice? I"ve been thinking about this all the time. Anyway, I"m tired of walking in a world that can"t tell the difference between day and night. I want to walk in the street of day. My life is like living in the night. Come to an end, it"s all for you and me.

五、很多时候,我们明明早就下定决心,要踏踏实实干成某件事,可总是在起步的时候,被想象中的困难所击败。我们的问题不在没准备好、没时间、没精力、没经验,我们的问题在于总是想得太多,做得太少。如果你知道自己要去哪儿,并且已经在路上,不气馁,不放弃,那么全世界都会为你让路!Many times, we make up our minds to do something steadfastly in the morning, but always at the beginning, we are defeated by imaginary difficulties. Our problem is not that we are not ready, have no time, have no energy and have no experience. Our problem is that we always think too much and do too little. If you know where you"re going, and you"re already on the road, not discouraged, not giving up, then the world will make way for you!

六、生命就是一个不断去满足欲望的过程,满足不了就会痛苦,满足了又会无聊。人的欲望就像拉长的橡皮筋,找不到挂靠的地方,就会弹回来打中自己。太阳每一天都是新的,而我们活着的每一天都是真的,要不断的提升自己,改变生活。希望你找一个对你好的人,希望我找一个懂得我对她的好的人。Life is a process of constantly satisfying desires. If you can"t satisfy them, you will suffer, if you can"t satisfy them, you will be bored. People"s desires are like stretched rubber bands. If they can"t find a place to hang on, they will bounce back and hit themselves. Every day the sun is new, and every day we live is true. We must constantly improve ourselves and change our lives. I hope you find a good person for you, I hope I find a good person who understands me for her.

七、人的一生,难免都会有遗憾。总想如愿以偿,却有那么多的大失所望;总想全心投入,而得到的却是有所保留。羡慕的不能拥有,牵挂的不能相守,想放弃却不甘放手,想忘记却习惯回首。其实没有遗憾的人生,就不叫人生。心宽看世界,到处都是门,路路皆通;心窄看世界,到处都是防盗门,门门锁死。人生的质量,与别人无关,只需要打开自己心底那扇门。There will inevitably be regrets in one"s life. I always want to get what I want, but there are so many disappointments; I always want to devote myself, but I get some reservations. Envy can not have, care can not be together, want to give up but unwilling to let go, want to forget but used to look back. In fact, life without regret is not life. Looking at the world with a broad mind, there are doors everywhere and all roads are open. Looking at the world with a narrow heart, there are anti-theft doors everywhere and doors are locked. The quality of life has nothing to do with others, just open the door in your heart.

八、门是双向的,推门者常将对方碰得鼻青脸肿;拉门者方便了自己和别人。开着的门,人们毫无兴趣;紧闭的门,人们浮想联翩;半开的门,最易勾起人们的窥视欲。大人关上门才觉得安全;儿童打开门才不会害怕。心灵也有一扇门,关闭它,只有孤独相伴;只有打开它,放精彩走进来,让自己走出去。The door is bidirectional, and the pusher often bruises the other side; the door-puller facilitates himself and others. Open doors, people are not interested; closed doors, people are imaginative; half-open doors, the easiest to arouse people"s desire to peep. Adults are safe when they close the door; children are not afraid when they open the door. The soul also has a door, closes it, only accompanies lonely; only opens it, lets the splendid walk in, lets oneself go out.

九、人生不完满是常态,而圆满则是非常态,也就是如同“月圆为少月缺为多”道理是一样的。如此理解世界和人生,那么我们就会很快变的通达起来,也逍遥自适多了,那么我们的那些苦恼与晦暗也会随风而去了。Life is not perfect is normal, and perfection is abnormal, that is, as the "full moon for less months for more" truth is the same. If we understand the world and life in this way, we will soon become more accessible and comfortable. Then our misery and darkness will go with the wind.

十、虽然你的存款不一定能让你大富大贵,但是它可以在你想要转身离开某一个人、某一个环境时,给你带来最强有力的支持,而不是拖你后腿。你存的不是钱,而是你的底气!当现实抬手给你一巴掌的时候,你应该和它击个掌。就算是破罐子,也要摔的比别人响!Although your savings don"t necessarily make you rich and powerful, it can give you the strongest support when you want to turn around and leave a person or an environment, rather than dragging you down. What you save is not money, but your spirit! When reality gives you a slap, you should give it a slap. Even if it"s a broken jar, it"s going to crash louder than others!

十一、目中无人的人,那是因为脑中无物。越是见多识广的人,越是发觉自己知之甚少,故而对人越发谦逊平和。生活需要游戏,但不能游戏人生;生活需要歌舞,但不需醉生梦死;生活需要艺术,但不能投机取巧;生活需要勇气,但不能鲁莽蛮干;生活需要重复,但不能重蹈覆辙。The reason why nobody has eyes is that there is nothing in his mind. The more knowledgeable a person is, the more he finds out that he knows very little, so he is more modest and peaceful towards others. Life needs games, but can not play life; life needs singing and dancing, but not drunken life and death; life needs art, but can not speculate; life needs courage, but can not be reckless; life needs repetition, but can not repeat the same mistakes.

十二、 没有不会谢的花,没有不会退的浪,没有不会暗的光,没有不会好的伤,没有不会停下来的绝望。当你可以直面自己身体里与生俱来的笨拙与孤独,你便能够彻底谅解过去的自己。大多数人都像我们这样活着,虽不聪明,但诚恳;虽会犯错,但坦然。There are no flowers that will not fade, no waves that will not fade, no light that will not darken, no wounds that will not be good, and no despair that will not stop. When you can confront the clumsiness and loneliness inherent in your body, you will be able to fully understand yourself in the past. Most people live like us, not smart but sincere; they make mistakes, but calm.

十三、 岁月的轮齿,从不停息地转动,坚强不是用嘴说的,谁都有软弱的时候,谁都有流泪的时候,只是有时候愿意让某些人看见,有时候不希望某些人看见罢了。面对生活,心要坚强,面对生活,学会在合适的地方释放自己心中的压抑与痛苦。The teeth of the years never stop turning. Strong is not spoken by mouth. Everyone has weak moments. Everyone has tears. Sometimes they are willing to be seen by some people. Sometimes they don"t want to be seen by others. Face life, the heart must be strong, face life, learn to release the oppression and pain in their hearts in the right place.

十四、你一杯毒酒送我西去,我含笑而饮轻诉别离下一世我还在这等你。懂你的人,不需多说,只一个微笑一声问候,便风轻云淡,踏实心安。那些在美丽的传说中以晶莹姿态舒展的青春情感,最后将以分离的封缄作为终结,又或者,如同投错了地址的信笺,落在一个荒芜的地方,而每一笔记载下的句子,都带着温暖而美好的本意。You sent me West with a cup of poisonous wine. I smiled and whispered goodbye. I"m still here waiting for you. The person who knows you need not say more, just a smile and a greeting, then the wind is light and cloudy, solid and secure. Those youthful feelings stretching in the beautiful legend with crystal posture will end up with the seal of separation, or, like a letter with the wrong address, fall in a deserted place, and the sentences in each note carry warm and beautiful original intention.

十五、人生本来就没有相欠,别人对你付出,是因为别人喜欢,你对别人付出,是因为自己甘愿。情出自愿,事过无悔。相思成疾,药石无医,惟心尖上人儿可解。有多少次我试图想要联系你,想知道你的近况,想了解你过得好还是不好。但是,我转念一想,这一切又关我什么事呢?你不再是我的了,我们之间还剩下什么呢?Life is not owed, others pay for you, because others like, you pay for others, because they are willing to. Voluntary feelings, no regrets. Acacia is a disease, medicine and stone are no cure, but the heart can be understood. How many times have I tried to contact you, want to know your current situation, want to know whether you have a good or bad life? But, on second thought, what does it matter to me? You"re not mine anymore. What"s left between us?

十六、你可以选择爱我或者不爱我,而我只能选择爱你或者更加爱你。总有被误解的时候,总有寄人篱下的时候,总有遭人诽谤与暗算的时候。这时候你必须冷静,要懂得潮涨潮落,波谷波峰的道理,只要你能够耐心等待,受得了折磨,守得住底线,一切都会证明,生活不会拋弃你。You can choose to love me or not, and I can only choose to love you or love you more. There are always times when people are misunderstood, when people are under the hedge, when people are slandering and plotting. At this time, you must calm down, to understand the ebb and flow, the truth of the trough and the crest, as long as you can wait patiently, endure torture, hold the bottom line, everything will prove that life will not abandon you.

十七、爱到底是什么东西,为什么那么心酸那么苦痛。只要还能握住它,到死还是不肯放弃,到死也是甘心。也曾以为自己是那种,敢爱敢恨,酷到不行的人,爱过之后才发现,拿得起放不下那人是我。成功者,做别人不愿意做的事情,别人不敢做的事情,做不到的事情。What is love? Why is it so sad and painful? As long as you can still hold it, you will not give up until you die, and you will be willing to die. I used to think that I was the kind of person who dared to love, hate and be so cool that I couldn"t do it. After that, I found out that I could not afford to put that person down. Successful people do things that others do not want to do, things that others dare not do, things that cannot be done.

十八、生活不易,善待自己,善待生命,在春暖花开的时节,在阳光明媚的春天,相信希望,希望努力,相信坚持,心中充满快乐,自己的高飞,骄傲的飞向远方。以前不懂事,随随便便就喜欢上了你,现在成熟了,经过深思熟虑,还是喜欢你。Life is not easy, be kind to yourself, be kind to life, in the spring season, in the sunny spring, believe in hope, hope, hard work, believe in perseverance, heart full of happiness, their own soaring, proud to fly far away. I used to be ignorant. I like you casually. Now I am mature. After careful consideration, I still like you.

十九、也许,很久以后你才会懂,像我这般倔强的人,是要鼓足多大的勇气才会求你别丢下我,又是憋着多大一股劲儿才会彻底把你赶出我的生活。人间再世,真真假假,是是非非,对对错错。回首轮回,没有真假,没有是非,没有对错,一切都将落幕。Perhaps, in a long time, you will understand how much courage a stubborn person like me will have to muster to ask you not to leave me behind, and how much effort you hold in order to completely drive you out of my life. Real or false is right or wrong, right or wrong. Looking back on the reincarnation, there is no truth, no right or wrong, no right or wrong, everything will end.

二十、 我们总以为越长久的感情才越显得珍贵,无论友情还是爱情,都希望是一辈子。可这些并不是我们能预料的,因为等时间沉淀,你就会明白,每个人的出场都有不同的意义,你不得不接受,有人陪你到老,就注定会有人中途离席。We always think that the longer the relationship is, the more precious it is. Whether it is friendship or love, we hope it will last a lifetime. But these are not what we can expect, because when you wait for time to settle down, you will understand that everyone"s appearance has a different meaning, you have to accept, someone accompanies you to old age, is doomed to leave halfway.

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