
皮到极致的沙雕句子 朋友圈搞笑百分百!


一、最气人的是上次吃鸡,人家一直喊着开麦,最后我开了,人家问了一句:你是男的吗The most irritating thing was the last time I ate chicke

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The most irritating thing was the last time I ate chicken, people kept shouting to open wheat, and finally I opened it. People asked, "Are you a man?"

二、搞不懂那些签名换成 别烦 勿扰 不闲聊的人到底是谁在烦你 让他烦我行不行

I don"t know who is bothering you and let him bother me if those signatures are replaced by those who don"t bother and don"t gossip.


Let me tell you a secret: if you are full and support yourself, you will stand on your head, so that the meat that would have grown on your belly will slide to your chest.

四、我是一个争强好胜的女人 今天前男友加我微信说他要结婚了,问我在干嘛,我说我在坐月子

I am a competitive woman. Today, my ex-boyfriend told me on WeChat that he was getting married. Asked what I was doing, I said I was having a baby.

五、挑战365天不做美女 今天第一天挑战失败 去超市买罐可乐老板说美女3块

Challenge 365 Days Not to Be a Beautiful Woman Today"s First Challenge Fails to Go to Supermarket to Buy Coke Boss Says Beautiful Woman 3 Dollars

六、女孩子喜欢把头枕在男孩子肩上 后来女孩子得了颈椎病 男孩子得了肩周炎

Girls like to put their heads on boys"shoulders, and then girls get cervical spondylosis, and boys get frozen shoulder

七、我时间不多了 其实我和你们不一样 你们主食靠大米 而我只能靠大海里的珍珠精华才能维持我的生命 外面那么热 我是人鱼会死的 所以你能不能帮我带杯珍珠奶茶

I don"t have much time. Actually, I"m not like you. Your staple food depends on rice, and I can only rely on the essence of pearls in the sea to keep me alive. It"s so hot outside. I"m a mermaid. I"ll die, so can you bring me a cup of Pearl milk tea

八、被一道数学题难住了 于是我把题目对着天空 毕竟人算不如天算

I was puzzled by a math problem, so I pointed the problem at the sky. After all, man is not as good as heaven.

九、其实我挺自卑的 走在路上我都不敢牵别人男朋友

In fact, I feel inferior and dare not lead other people"s boyfriends on the road.


Maybe it was a mistake for me to come into this world, so I want to ask you how I can stop being charming


In the big night, I can still see a lot of takeaway brothers on the street rushing to deliver food. Suddenly I feel very inspirational. Others are still eating so late. What reason do I have not to eat.

十二、 肚子疼就喝凉水 不行就吞玻璃 不然就自杀 反正别找我男朋友

Drink cold water if you have a stomachache, swallow glass if you can"t, or kill yourself. Don"t call my boyfriend anyway

十三、我平常真的很好说话 如果我哪天说话让你感觉膈应了 你不要多想我确实就是故意膈应你的

I"m usually really easy to talk to. If I ever make you feel like you"re doing it, don"t think about it. I did do it on purpose


In the big night, I can still see a lot of takeaway brothers on the street rushing to deliver food. Suddenly I feel very inspirational. Others are still eating so late. What reason do I have not to eat.

十五、天天收红包 怪不好意思的 没办法主要是我这个人太有吸引力了你说是吧蚊子?

I"m sorry that I can"t accept red envelopes everyday. I"m so attractive, don"t you think, Mosquito?

十六、为什么心情不好的时候总会想吃东西 因为伤心欲嚼

Why to always want to eat when the mood is bad because sad want to chew

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