


时光,浓淡相宜,人心,远近相安。流年,长短皆逝。浮生,往来皆客。小窗幽记Time, light and shade suitable, human heart, far and near Th

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Time, light and shade suitable, human heart, far and near. The flow of years is gone. Floating life, every guest comes and go.


I am no longer the owner of that white skirt, nor are you, the sad young man watching the wind on the embankment.


Learn to be a clean, free and easy person, not remembering past events and not mentioning future events.

与海为邻,住在无尽蓝的隔壁,却无壁可隔,一无所有,却拥有一切。—— 余光中

Be next to the sea, living next to the endless blue, but there is no wall to be separated, nothing but everything.


Know the sophistication but not the sophistication, be good at self-deprecating but not at others, only wishing to be gentle and powerful.


I just hope that after the world’s hustle and bustle, everyone will be forgotten between the lines, relatively speechless.


I would like to build a simple firewood hut on this hill with no trees and no shops for hundreds of miles around, store firewood, and hang a lamp in front of the door to attract people on the snowy night to come and cook a pot of wine with me.


The asteroid without light does not speak, and moves quickly to accumulate the moon"s light.


May you have reliable mountains and trees to roost all your life, enjoy flowers in spring, enjoy the coolness in summer, climb mountains in autumn, and sweep snow in winter with your loved ones.





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