
淡淡伤感的英文说说 述说心中的悲伤!



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1.对你的爱已经停止了,但是偶尔还是会想起你,想起曾经的我们。Love for you has stopped, but occasionally I will think of you and think of us.

2.学会放手是爱情中很重要的一课,可是有些人至今没学会。Learning to let go is a very important lesson in love, but some people have not learned so far.

3.一旦恋爱,我会无条件付出全部,不论有没有收获。所以,到最后,也是最容易受伤的那个人。Once in love, I will pay for it unconditionally, with or without gain. So, in the end, it is the one who is the most vulnerable.

4.喜欢你很久了,也等你很久了,现在我要离开你了,等待的滋味太难受了。I like you for a long time, and I have been waiting for you for a long time. Now I am leaving you, and the wait is too uncomfortable.

5.有些人只适合谈恋爱,不适合结婚。Some people are only suitable for dating and not for marriage.

6.从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。From now on, I will not look forward to it, just cherish what I have.

7.时间久了,很多东西都变了。曾经说好一辈子的我们也分开了。After a long time, many things have changed. We have said that we have been separated for a lifetime.

8.心里害怕,脸上微笑。这就是我现在的状态。Fear in my heart, smile on my face. This is my current state.


10.和你已经没有任何关系了,成了这个城市里最熟悉的陌生人。It has nothing to do with you, and has become the most familiar stranger in this city.

11.全部力气都用来爱你了,离开你之后,什么费脑费力的事都不想干了。All strength is used to love you. After leaving you, you don’t want to do anything that is laborious and laborious.

12.我天生好强,但是在你面前输得一塌糊涂。I am born to be strong, but I lost a mess in front of you.

13.别睡得太晚,别爱得太满,别做爱瞎想的神经质少女。Don"t sleep too late, don"t love too much, don"t be a nervous girl who loves to think.

14.年纪越大,忘记的东西越多,但和你在一起的所有回忆,却越发清晰。The older you are, the more you forget, but the more memories you have with you, the more clear you are.

15.时间总是走的静悄悄的,让所有人都察觉不出。你也是一样。Time is always quiet, so that everyone can"t detect it. you, too.

16.我的温柔和善良全都给你,现在的我变得孤僻、高冷,不爱讲话了。My gentleness and kindness are all given to you. Now I am lonely, cold, and do not like to speak.

17.一个人的难过,肯定不会是无缘无故的。如果说没事,只是不愿意提起那个他。A person’s sadness will certainly not be for no reason. If you say nothing, just don"t want to mention him.

18.已经没有机会也没有资格再和你说早安晚安了。I have no chance or qualification to say good morning to you.

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