
引人深思的现实句子 成熟且大方 你喜欢哪一句

时间:2023-01-22 02:10:01


引人深思的现实句子 成熟且大方 你喜欢哪一句

爱不需要解释,但可以解释一切。 爱只是众多感情中的一种,但它远远比其他更深,也是没办法的事。

Love needs no explanation but can explain everything. Love is just one of many feelings, but it is far deeper than others, and it can"t be helped.

爱是贪婪和恐惧的平衡,越想占有,就越容易失去。 爱是尽量占有,尽量不失去的平衡。

Love is a balance between greed and fear. The more you want it, the easier it is to lose it. Love is the balance of trying to possess, trying not to lose.

没有治不好的疼痛,也没有无法结束的下沉。 所有失去的东西都会以另一种方式回来。

No pain that can"t be cured, no sinking that can"t end. All that is lost will come back in another way.


Someone said, "True love has no secrets.


The man who says this knows neither love nor secrets.


To the person you like, any little thing can be said frowning


Important things can be taken away at once, too.

谁都有伤疤。 那是最喜欢的人给你留下的印象。

We all have scars. That"s the impression your favorite person makes on you.


We know what we have when we lose it.


If you don"t put the wrong one aside, you"ll never find the right one.

人生有三样东西。 是时间、机会、外出的语言。

There are three things in life. It"s time, opportunity, the language of going out.


I hate that you"re not trying hard enough.


I hope one day we can be strangers and know you again.

不要太在意一个人。 因为在那个人心里你可能什么都不是。

Don"t take a person too seriously. Because you may be nothing to that person.


Just me, no matter how hard it is, you can stay with me.

只要洗心革面,逆境也会成为机会。 转弯也是前进的一种方法。

Adversity can turn into opportunity as long as you turn over a new leaf. Turning is also a way to move forward.

什么都要深入调查,但经不起真正的刺激,这是女性的通病。 给亲爱的好朋友:要么你做我的新娘,要么你和我一起去教堂。

It is a common fault of women to investigate everything thoroughly, but not to withstand real stimulation. To my dear friend, either you will be my bride or you will go to church with me.


Lonely is not because there is no friend, but because my heart is empty! After you left, my world has no color, not even black charity.

谁都有伤。 那曾经是天要塌下来的地方。

Everyone is hurt. That"s where the sky used to fall.


One day I suddenly realized that you weren"t on my list, but I didn"t delete you.

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