
2020朋友圈伤感的句子 虽然我们彼此远离 但我和你的心紧紧相连


Husband, I miss you Its cold and remember to add clothes to keep warm Although we are far away from each other, I and

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Husband, I miss you. It’s cold and remember to add clothes to keep warm. Although we are far away from each other, I and your heart are closely connected. We comfort and rely on each other. I also believe that there will be one day when we hold hands and walk together. Spend a good time with you, wake up in the morning to welcome the sun, and smoke at sunset. Husband and we will stay together for life.

2、毕业后自己的感情和事业都没有按自己想象的那样进行着,过一天算一天,浑浑噩噩,慢慢地把自己边缘化着,好像只有戴上面具才能融入这个社会,也许只有自己变强大后才可以去做真正的自己。 清醒的人最荒唐。

After graduating, my feelings and career did not proceed as I imagined. After a day’s time, I am confused and gradually marginalized myself. It seems that I can only integrate into this society by putting on a mask. Maybe only when I become stronger. You can be yourself. Sober people are the most absurd.


Adults are really tired. When people ask you how are you, they can only say that it"s okay, because there are too many bad things and I don"t know where to start. Talking to yourself is annoying, and you have to worry about negative energy spreading to others. After all, human sorrows and joys cannot communicate, and people are still lonely after all.


No one knows how many nights you shed tears secretly, how uncomfortable the person you like is sick, and what you want is whether you can handle his worst result. You repeatedly ask yourself if you can take care of yourself and take care of him. Regardless of his power, can you sustain a home?


I was too young and ignorant, and I wasted a lot of my life; maybe I didn’t have a late birth and had an epiphany; I lost my childhood favorite on the way, and I couldn’t keep my husband... In the distance, life is all in front of me, and I don"t talk about my youth ideals. Passers-by just listen to it!


When I tried very hard to make myself better and better, but I met him who was young and innocent, he was afraid of delaying me, afraid that he could not give me the future, and afraid that he would not succeed. I wish I had nothing, and then I would go with him when there were two people.

7、23年以来我只有三次夜晚四点半没睡觉 第一次,我看《活着》这本书睡不着,明白了我要怎么活着。 第二次,我在上海晚上露宿街头,没地方睡,我明白了什么叫努力进取。 第三次,我搞比赛晚上写论文没时间睡 ,我明白了该怎么做自己。

In the past 23 years, I have only three times without sleeping at 4:30 in the night. The first time I could not fall asleep after reading the book "Alive" and I understood how I wanted to live. The second time, I was sleeping on the streets in Shanghai at night, and there was no place to sleep. I understood what it means to be hardworking. For the third time, I did not have time to sleep in the evening to write a paper during the competition, and I understood how to be myself.


Only when I have the ability to take responsibility, can I truly be worthy of you and her. When I am least able to like the person I like, I am really inferior. To be honest, I don’t want it. When I was least able to let her suffer with me, to be honest, I really didn"t want to.


Since breaking up with you, in fact, I haven"t come out until now. I know that negativity is not a long-term solution. Because of you I want to become a better person, and I don"t want to be a burden to you, so I work hard just to prove that I am a good match for you.


He doesn"t belong to me today, I saw another girl. His good night should belong to that girl, I hope they can be good, after all, I am so bad, I will definitely make him sweet and good in the future! That girl, you are really happy. I hope that in the next life, I will work harder and be more ordinary, so that I can hold you and say I love you.

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