
能够吸引你去郊游的句子 迫不及待 快快行动


There is no more charming than the castle peak after the rain, the whole hillside, is verdant and lustrous green, did not

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There is no more charming than the castle peak after the rain, the whole hillside, is verdant and lustrous green, did not come to disperse the fog like quietly elegant silk, continuously wrapped in its waist, the sun on each leaf of the rain, have become colorful pearl.



The sky shone soft and clear and ethereal, and one would like to hear the song of a sky-high lark, as one would like to see a white sail on a blue sea.


Mountain like some drunken man, one by one, sleeping for tens of millions of years, never wake up their dreams, no one dare to further their heart, is the favourite adventure hunters, only to their feet, chasing the wild boar ran down from the mountain goats and birds, never climb the peak.


On the vast sea, the storm winds gather the clouds.Between the clouds and the sea, the petrel flies proudly like black lightning.


Fields, wheat green, a boundless, as if the green waves.The golden wild flowers, shining in the green waves.


There are many more wonderful things going on under the sun, and you see the wind, and it becomes smooth.The mountains became green.The water turned green.


A cloud of apricot flowers below.The stream in the valley whirls and leaps, tinkling and splashing in silver mist.Everywhere is full of vitality, even in the shade under the thin ice, also running water, also swimming dense small fish.


Aimless walk, double foot keep up with the pace of time, the heart twine the affection of the past, reminisce of the past years, savor the treasure of the beautiful past, or a lot of a sad, but also a growing strength.


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