
极富品味的忧伤短句 心动又温暖 美好的向往


Learning to live in peace with ones own pain is the meaning of growth 学会与自己的痛苦和平相处,才是成长的意义

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Seeing another woman after meeting you is like insulting your own eyes!


Who has a long way to go, let me see people walk tea cool.


Learning to live in peace with one"s own pain is the meaning of growth.


Life is a choice, but also a kind of giving up. People who can choose freely are happy, and those who can give up moderately are free and easy. Unfortunately, sometimes our choice is to wait, without results, and we can only leave in a dim manner. Sometimes when we give up, we are forced to turn around with tears, and we still look back frequently when we go far away. Therefore, some of the past, about happiness or pain, can only be buried deep in my heart; Some hopes, about the present or future, can only be forgotten slowly.


I"m not arrogant, I"m not fooling around, I"m tired of all my support.


No choice can be made in America. Any choice means giving up something else. No matter what you do or choose, you will inevitably have regrets. Don"t spend your time regretting and feeling sad, try your best to walk the road you have chosen, and don"t envy the scenery and prosperity of other roads. Because indecision is the greatest negative energy in life.


Brilliant is like the veil of the rising sun, witty is like a lily on one side of a cliff, and enthusiastic is like a red rose, which exudes a tantalizing fragrance. She fascinated me so deeply.


Hide at a certain time, miss the palmprint of a period of time; Hiding in a certain place, I miss a person who is standing on the way as well as on the way, which makes me care about.


A wild animal is injured. It can run to a cave to hide by itself, lick the wound by itself, and insist on it by itself. But once it is asked for help, it can"t stand it.


It turns out that you are always behind me, but why do you speak to me as a stranger when I look back?


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