
充满失落的伤心小短句 三观超正 有感而发



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It"s the first time to be a man. Why should I give you face? If you don"t know what self-love is, then don"t blame me, and don"t give you face.


Some knots need to be solved in half a life, and some love locks can only be unlocked by loneliness. There are always some people who can"t let go of some things. Counting the days when flowers bloom, they collect them quietly, and curl up and savor them in the cold and helpless night.


My heart, this wild bird, found the sky in your eyes.


For a moment, I suddenly felt that all my waiting was meaningless in your eyes, because I couldn"t change any of your treasures, not that I didn"t know how to persist, but that I haven"t heard from you for too long. Are you ready? I once loved you so much, and I really have to go this time.


I have given up my love for a person, which is probably the present state.


No matter how strong a person is, there must be some weaknesses in his heart, which will be broken when touched and painful when touched. Because we didn"t want to get hurt, we put on masks and armed forces and tried to hide our fragile side. However, the more we hide, the more we are exposed when we are discovered. The more we dare not face the pain, the more painful the wound is when we are stabbed.


Separate the fork in the road, turn to not only life. When youth is over, it"s not just the heart that is hurt by the pieces that are accidentally left behind. Miss fruitless, and finally torrential.


It"s just that when you give up completely on a person. Don"t even bother to open your mouth. When every word seems familiar, every guarantee in the future is from today, every change is a blueprint in my mouth, and every comfort is just that I used to be like this and will not be.


Should I count your thoughts with the stars, or should I count the stars in the sky with you?


Rain-drenched air, tired and sad, the fairy tales in my memory have slowly melted.


Watching you gradually die, suddenly remind of getting to know each other like a dream.


At the beginning, I am persistent for you because I love you. Finally, I cry for you, because I lost you. Leaving only the middle, we are happy and happy together. We would rather laugh and cry than cry and say regret. Cry because you are no longer sad, but cry because you are moved.


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