
《剑14》Test 3 大作文范文解析 抽象话题到底该咋写?


剑14Test 3 大作文范文解析,抽象话题到底该咋写?剑14Test 3 大作文题目Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people

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《剑14》Test 3 大作文范文解析,抽象话题到底该咋写?

《剑14》Test 3 大作文题目

Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


考过类似的话题是关于“whether sports can bring together people of different cultures and ages together”。



带着立场写开头,信息节奏快,废话压缩到最少 → Music is a good way of connecting people, for example, Europeans and the Chinese or the older and the younger. 接下来,可能是一句“套话”→ Although some people might disagree, this is the truth.

To begin with, of a song, the lyrics may be incomprehensible because of the language in which the song is written, the melody is linguistically neutral. ← 一旦出现“天上飘”的概念,就需要立即用“接地气”的方式解释清楚: As a matter of fact, a listener does not need to understand the language of the lyrics to feel the melody. As a result, the music is likely to excite or to melt the listeners regardless of whether they speak the language or grow up in the culture in which the music is produced. ← “小词”的使用特别值得被注意。 精简的一句话的例子来作为论证的必要补充 → In other words, an American may be fond of a Chinese song, and a British musician may have a large population of Asian fans. 遇上抽象话题的时候,会举例子替代怎么也说不清的道理就很关键。 Both cases illustrate that music is the common ground between different cultures and the shared interest between people from the different cultures.

In addition, no ageism could be found in the world of music. Admittedly, older generations may have musical preferences different from those of younger generations. However, there is no fine division, and the boundaries are blurred. It is not surprising that a young individual likes the nostalgic feel of songs written decades ago or unbelievable that a middle-aged person enjoys the music that seems to attract only the teenage demographic. 精简的一句话的例子来作为论证的必要补充→ For example, during festival seasons in particular, a whole family, three generations of members, gathered, sing and dance by the same song with plenty of heartful joy.遇上抽象话题的时候,会举例子替代怎么也说不清的道理就很关键。

In light of all the cases above, music brings together people of different cultures and ages. This is so true that the few exceptions do not matter. ← 结尾段落同样需要信息节奏快,废话压缩到最少。

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