
温柔动听的句子 真心实意才动人


The world is big, but we met, I know, this is not a coincidence, this is the fate of God 2 遇见你,就注定要让我保护你一辈子,要我每天和你说晚安,要我看着你慢慢变老

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The world is big, but we met, I know, this is not a coincidence, this is the fate of God.


Meet you, is destined to let me protect you for a lifetime, want me to say good night to you every day, want me to watch you grow old slowly.


See all the fireworks in the world, never leave you, taste all the light in the world, never hurt me, in my bleak life, meet you in the fire.


I like you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


Whenever I think of you, there will always be a person giggling, not together is not important, every day to see you, just like.


If you want to say the importance of you in my heart, maybe even I dare not think about it! Maybe, you are my destiny.


Although the sea breeze is gentle, but you look at the sea, more gentle. Im lucky to meet you. Id like to live up to my time.


If the love for you is like the sea, may my love shine on you and give you brilliance like the sun.


If you are a bright moon in the sky, I will guard your sky silently and accompany you forever.


I want to walk with you at dusk, under the background of the sea, your beauty will be more comfortable. I want to say that although the setting sun and the sea are beautiful, they are not as beautiful as you.


Just want to work with you to shade, talk about the future, talk about life, talk about ideals, together to complete the things we like, you, and me.


The best feeling is to sit with you, we dont talk, its natural, its not embarrassed, because your heart and I are already connected.


A song can make you think of a thing or a person, and a paragraph of words can remind you of your memories and emotions, and all of mine is related to you.



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