
发朋友圈超萌的皮句子 句句有趣 朗朗上口!


Generally, people who are easy to be happy are easy to be fat, so being fat is a very happy thing 2、我时常告诫自己,一定要有钱,否则别人会认为我除了美貌,一无所有

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Generally, people who are easy to be happy are easy to be fat, so being fat is a very happy thing.


I often tell myself that I must have money, otherwise others will think that I have nothing but beauty.


If the food is salty, put it for a while, because time can dilute everything.


They say silence is gold. I have been silent for so long, and I don"t see where the gold is?


I"ve just been reported to disturb people by my neighbors because I"m so poor.


Life is not only about the present, but also the rent and ant credit pay.


Sleepy in spring, lack in autumn, nap in summer, hibernation, body and soul are bound to have one in bed.


Staying up late is really harmful to the body, so every time I go to bed late, I will call a night snack and make up for it.


The head portrait is stolen, the net name is stolen, and the jokes are stolen. How come my heart is not stolen.


If you make someone unhappy, you must find the reason from yourself to make sure that you can still offend him next time.


When your parents find out that you are in love, what makes them disappointed is not your puppy love, but the person you are looking for is not me.


Do you like me? Breathe if you like me.


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