
又萌又甜软的句子 特别适合女生卖萌


下辈子,我要做你的心脏,你要是把我惹急了,我就不跳了!Next life, I want to be your heart, if you make me anxious, I will not ju

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Next life, I want to be your heart, if you make me anxious, I will not jump!


Such a big wind, it is not convenient to go out, after all, I am so cute, if you are not careful to blow others" arms, others will not give you back!


Some boys roll up their trouser legs very handsome, but some boys roll up their trouser legs like catching fish!


If a person suddenly chats with you and calls your full name, then next either wants to express oneself or to beat you!


Although the world is full of flavors, but I just want a person to give sweet!


I am not a hero, just love you more courageous!


Because I like you, my girl heart has 10000 tons!


There are 100 ways to sweet, sugar, chocolate, and 98 times a day to miss you!


I think you are like a pig, but I"m still afraid that you will be robbed by others!


If you lose me, I will be someone else"s little princess!


Love you is, at first sight of the joy, long place thumping!


I like you, I don"t know why, it doesn"t make sense!

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爱撒娇的女孩子请收藏 适合女生撒娇卖萌的句子

爱撒娇的女孩子请收藏 适合女生撒娇卖萌的句子


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