
人生哲理的英文句子 经典睿智 读一次受用一生!



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If something goes wrong in life, don"t be dissatisfied or resentful, and don"t be upset or depressed. We have to face both good and bad, and the good and the bad will pass away. To be angry is to punish oneself for the mistakes of others.


Life is often like this, you think hope, in fact, let you fall deeper into despair; and you think endless despair, but in a corner full of hope.


There are gains and losses in choosing any way of life. So don"t envy or complain. All you can do is keep your body and mind in balance.


If you don"t like it, you can change it. If you don"t like it, you can leave if you feel uncomfortable. If you don"t like it, you can withdraw. Where there are so many pains in life, it"s just that you don"t let go of yourself.


The most important thing in life is not what has been lost, nor what has not been gained, but what we have now. The past can not be retrieved, tomorrow is still unknown, only the present is real.


If you can let go, you will not be lonely. If you stand far, you will know. If you do not fantasize, you will not feel. If you do not expect, you will not care. Nothing is difficult in the world, and no one is bothered by it.


The reason why we are tired is that we can not put down shelves, tear face and unhappy knots. In fact, if you think about it, all the questions in the world can be answered with “it"s your shit” and “it"s my shit”.


See a lot of people, but can not be easily dismantled; hate a lot of people, but can not easily turn their faces. Sometimes, life is to force oneself to become resigned, spoiled and humiliated.


Tea has only two postures: floating and sinking; tea drinkers have only two postures: picking up and putting down. Life is like tea, calm when sinking, indifferent when floating, affordable to put down.


Life is alive and there is no way to predict the future. Fortunately or unhappily, we must persevere until the end. Therefore, the quality of life depends on mentality. If you have a good mind, bad things will turn into good things; if you have a bad mind, good things will turn into bad things.


It"s lucky to be understood, but it"s not necessarily unfortunate not to be understood. A person who places his value entirely on the understanding of others often has no value.


Some things, you can care about, but not too much, more will wear the heart; some pain, you can immerse, but not too long, long will reduce the fighting spirit, lost your direction.


Faced with life"s unsatisfactory, people choose to let go rather than complain. Life will inevitably be unsatisfactory, if only struggle in complaints, life is doomed to endless suffering.


There are not so many hypotheses in life. The reality is a real slap in the face. There is no doubt that it is painful to shout, but to go forward.


Since there is nowhere to escape, it"s better to be happy. Since there is no pure land, it is better to meditate. Since there is no such thing as wishes, it is better to let go.


Instead of complaining about the world, change yourself. It"s better to take care of your heart and do your own thing than anything else. Life is not perfect, twists and turns are scenery.


In the journey of life, you always have a period of time, you need to walk, you need to carry, you don"t feel afraid, you don"t feel lonely, it"s just the cost of growth.


Life is very tired. If you are not tired now, you will be more tired later. Life is very bitter. If you don"t suffer now, you will suffer more later. Only when you are tired can you have leisure. Only through bitterness can we know sweetness.


Man is fascinated because he is in the situation, but what he understands is out of the situation. Life is full of variables. How determined we are will have a direct impact on the direction of life. Calm look at life, quiet look at themselves.


One cannot change the world, and the world will not change because of you. All one can do is to adapt to the world, not to compete with others. Your life, should have your own wonderful.

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