
表达内心悲伤的句子 精致而高级 触及心灵


我怎么能不把你握在手中?One day I will walk away from you silently without any sound 总有一天我会无声无息的离开你

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I can"t live without you every night. How can I not hold you in my hand?


One day I will walk away from you silently without any sound.


Clean the make-up, and make it look plain. You said that you would like to make me look plain, make up my makeup lightly, and give up my make-up. You are such a passionate woman that no one does not love you. You are such a beautiful woman. Once you finish dressing, you will be the winner. In the next life, you will smile for me, and in the next life, I will splash ink for you. Luan ying ying mirror, we can see that the beauty is still, just for me to take off the fork to powder.


When you invest too much in a person, you will find that you are no longer yourself.


He fought for you in junior high school, slapped you in the face by his father in senior high school, and worked hard for you in university. Since you love him so much, why did you marry someone else? She gave you candy in junior high school, and gave up Peking University for abortion in senior high school. Since you love her so much, why don"t you take her in canvas shoes at her wedding? Maybe the person I love is not my lover either.


One day, I will look at you coldly, who once hurt my heart.


Sometimes, the question is complicated, but the answer is simple. Play with life, don"t take it too seriously, anyway, no one can leave the game alive in the end. Life is like a stage. You will never know how wonderful you are until the curtain call.


There must be a certain distance between people, and those who love each other are no exception. Marriage is easy to become a tragedy because it objectively makes it difficult to maintain this necessary distance. Once there is no distance, proper limit will be lost. What is lost is aesthetic feeling.


But dare not care, some people obviously miss it, but dare not miss it.


Some things only take root and sprout in your heart until they wither.


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