
英文美句D130:你可以偶尔停下来 享受简单的快乐


Guillaume Apollinaire纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔相关单词短语讲解1 Now and then不时;偶尔;不时的;新欢旧爱;时而1 He can work hard but he ne

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Now and then it"s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.


——Guillaume Apollinaire(纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔)


1. Now and then


(1) He can work hard but he needs a nudge now and then.



(2) Now and then she peeped to see if he was noticing her.



(3) This section of the road is so norrow that there are bound to be traffic jams now and then.



2. it"s good to ...

(1) It"s good to have you on board for this project.



(2) Welcome back, Deborah — It"s good to have you here.



(3) It"s good to stay at home a year, and it"s hard to go out an hour.



3. pause

v. 暂停;停顿;(按暂停键)暂停放音,暂停放像

n. 停顿;停顿的时间;延长记号;暂停键

[ verb ]

(1) 暂停;停顿:to stop talking or doing sth for a short time before continuing

Tom paused for a moment, then said: ‘All right.’


The woman spoke almost without pausing for breath (= very quickly) .


I paused at the door and looked back.


Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house.


(2)(按暂停键)暂停放音,暂停放像:to stop a tape, CD, etc. for a short time using the pause button

She paused the video and went to answer the phone.


[ noun ]

(1) ~ (in sth)

停顿;停顿的时间:a period of time during which sb stops talking or stops what they are doing

There was a long pause before she answered.


David waited for a pause in the conversation so he could ask his question.


After a brief pause, they continued climbing.


The rain fell without pause .


(2) (music 音) 延长记号:a sign over a note or a rest to show that it should be longer than usual

(3) also pause button

暂停键;a control that allows you to stop a tape recorder , CD player, etc. for a short time

Press pause to stop the tape.



(1) give (sb) pause / give (sb) pause for thought

使认真考虑;使犹豫:to make sb think seriously about sth or hesitate before doing sth

An opposition spokesman said he hoped the agreement would give them pause for thought about the futility of violence.



(2) a pregnant pause/silence

耐人寻味的停顿;心照不宣的沉默:an occasion when nobody speaks, although people are aware that there are feelings or thoughts to express

His words were followed by a pregnant pause.


There was a long, pregnant silence.



4. in pursuit of


(1) She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams.



(2) Relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical ability was remarkable.



(3) In our pursuit of the good life, he says, it is important to seek out true pleasures — advice which was originally offered by Epicurus.


——四级真题-2016年 6月 3卷 信息匹配

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