
有深度的人生感悟句子 经典入心 句句触动人心


Hard days will always pass, do not believe you look back, unknowingly you have gone through a lot of hardships, the rest

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Hard days will always pass, do not believe you look back, unknowingly you have gone through a lot of hardships, the rest of your life is not long to be yourself, love yourself! There"s nothing wrong with that.


Don"t care too much about what others say, because they have mouths, not brains.


How much praise can stand, how much slander can stand. Opportunities and risks always coexist!


I used to think that old age is far away, but now I realize that young age is far away. The price of growth is to lose the original appearance, finally understand, in addition to life and death, other grievances, pressure is just scratch.


The fragrance in the eyes, the butterfly hesitating. If the heart is pure, the song is full of itself. Fate is like the palmprint in the hand, no matter how tortuous, it is in the hand of one"s own. Prosperous 3000, look pale are clouds; worry countless, want to open is sunny!

先解决心情 再解决事情,人要拿得起 也要放得下,拿得起是生存, 放得下是生活,拿得起是能力 , 放得下是智慧。

First solve the mood and then solve things, people should be able to take it up and put it down, take it up is survival, put it down is life, take it up is ability, put it down is wisdom.


If you are as weak as persimmon, you will be bullied by others. You should be as strong as durian. Remember: being strong is not to bully others, but to protect yourself!


There are two kinds of medicine in life, one is smile, which can solve many problems; If you keep silence, you will be able to calm down the elixir field and relieve many troubles.

不去做,就永远不会有收获;不尝试,就永远不会有成功;不可能,就永远停留于现在。未来,是靠把握和努力争取来的 。相信,永远比怀疑多一次成功的机会,想法+做法 坚持=成功!如果还有想去尝试的事,还有未完成的梦想,还有一点不甘心,不妨再咬紧牙关,坚持一下。 虽说放弃不难,但坚持一定很酷哦。

If you don"t do it, you will never gain; if you don"t try, you will never succeed; if you can"t, you will stay in the present forever. The future depends on grasping and striving for it.

Believe that there will always be one more chance of success than doubt, idea + practice, persistence = success! If you still want to try something, have unfinished dreams, and a little unwilling, you might as well grit your teeth and stick to it. It"s not hard to give up, but it must be cool to stick to it.

经常读书,治愈自己,才不会患得患失;懂得拒绝,增加自信,才不会唯唯诺诺; 付出行动,不断进步,才不会无助焦虑;努力工作,拼命赚钱,才不会潦倒此生。

Read often and heal yourself, so you won"t worry about gain and loss;Know how to refuse, increase self-confidence, will not be submissive;Pay action, continuous progress, will not be helpless anxiety;If you work hard and make money, you will not be poor in this life.


Happiness is to have a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfactory job, a lover who loves himself deeply, and a group of trustworthy friends.


People should never think that only happy and casual life, have to accept the loss and depression! Don"t overestimate your position in other people"s hearts, and don"t try, because the results won"t accompany you.

In this materialistic society, there is only reality and cruelty. I would like to indulge in the struggle for the rest of my life and cure all diseases for being busy


When you are going to give up your dream, tell yourself to hold on one more day, one week, one month, one more year. You will find that the result of refusing to leave is amazing.


Happiness is drinking soda, drinking hiccups, while playing while smiling, how beautiful life.



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