
读名著 学英语 名著《飘》里最优美的25句好句好段


2 She had wanted him, In that first instant, wanted him as simply and unreasoningly as she wanted food to eat, horses to

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1. In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father


2. She had wanted him, In that first instant, wanted him as simply and unreasoningly as she wanted food to eat, horses to ride and a soft bed on which to lay herself.


3. She was as forthright and simple as the winds that blew over Tara and the yellow river that wound about it, and to the end of her days she would never be able to understand a complexity.


4. Somewhere in her brain, a slow fire rose and rage began to blot out everything else.


5. Only a little true tenderness had been mixed into her love. Mostly it had been compounded out of vanity and complaced confidence in her own charms. Now she had lost, and greater than her sense of loss was the fear that she had made a public spectacle of her self.


6. However, Melanie loved nursing and was known as an"angel"to all the sick and wounded men.She was kind and gentle and listened to all the soldiers" stories about their families, wives and home towns.


7. She wanted to be the old Scarlett O"Hara, the prettiest girl in north Georgia, who went to dances and parties and flirted with boys.


8. Scarlett wanted badly to dance and laugh with the young men, but it would not have been proper since she was a widow.


9. It was true that he didn"t act like other men, who had brought her flowers and candy and agreed with everything she said.


10. She only felt numb. She knew that the happy days of her youth were gone forever. Wha would happen next?


11. Yes, she was sick of the hospital, the foul smells, the lice, the aching, unwashed bodies. If there had ever been any novelty and romance about nursing, that had worn off a year ago.


12. However, no matter how much she hated Melanie, Scarlett meant to keep her promise to Ashley. As long as Ashley was out there somewhere, Scarlett would take care of his wife.


13. Scarlett wanted to leave them all behind. They were looking to her to take control of the situation, and help them. They did not know that Scarlett was just as hungry, thirsty, tired, and frightened as they were.


14. The kind of family a person was from did not matter any more. It was only important how hard you could work:growing food and helping your family survive.


15. Even if the Northeners had taken everything else,Tara was hers — it was in her blood. Keeping the fields of Tara alive and well meant more to Scarlett than anything else — except Ashley.


16. But now, after her meeting with Rhett, it was nice to talk to a man who knew how to treat a lady!


17. After that Suellen wouldn"t speak to Scarlett anymore, but Scarlett didn"t eare. All she cared hout was that she had the money for Tara that it needed.


18. She hadn"t loved Frank, but he had heen kind to her. And now he was gone.


19. She would spray herself with perfume after she was done, so that no one could tell.


20. You are like a criminal who is not sorry he committed the crime, but is terribly sorry he"s going to prison!


21. Rhett knew so much about so many things, and he listened to Scarlett and seemed to respect her opinions—when he wasn"t arguing with her, that is.


22. She had never understood either of the men she had loved and so she had lost them both. Now, she had a fumbling knowledge that, had she ever understood Ashley, she would never have loved him; had she ever understood Rhell, she would never have lost him.


23. All she wanted was a breathing space in which to hurt, a quiet place to lick her wounds, a haven in which to plan her campaign.


24. With the spirit of her people who would not know defeat, even when it stared them in the face, she raised her chin.


25. " I"ll think of it all tomorrow, at Tara. I can stand it then. Tomorrow. I"ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day."

“ 我明天回塔拉再去想吧。那时我就能经受得住一切了。明天,我会想出法把他弄回来。毕竟,明天又是另外的一天呢。“


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