

时间:2022-06-20 14:25:47


民事侵权赔偿是指在民事法律关系中,因他人违反法律规定或侵害他人合法权益而引起的损失,侵权人需要对受害人进行相应的赔偿。在英语中,民事侵权赔偿可以翻译为civil tort compensation。民事侵权赔偿是民事法律体系中的重要内容,其目的是恢复受害人的损失,维护社会公平正义。在司法实践中,侵权赔偿案件屡见不鲜,如其它民事案件一样,需要充分的证据和法律依据支持。例如,"The court ordered the defendant to pay civil tort compensation to the plaintiff for the economic losses incurred due to the infringement of intellectual property rights." 这一领域的案例和判例也为律师和法学研究者提供了丰富的案例和论证素材。

民事侵权赔偿,civil tort compensation

1)civil tort compensation民事侵权赔偿

1.Especially the applied relationship between work related injury insurance compensation andcivil tort compensation, involves multilateral interests that are related to employees, employers, other infringers as well as social insurance agencies, etc.尤其是工伤保险赔偿与民事侵权赔偿之间适用关系的处理问题,因关系到劳动者、用人单位、其他侵权人、社会保险经办机构等多方利益,而似乎难以调和兼顾。


1.Studies on the Concurrence between the Injuries Compensation and Tort Compensation;工伤赔偿与民事侵权赔偿竞合之法律探析

2.On the Action Form of Civil Torts Compensation Cases Concerning Negotiable Securities;论证券民事侵权赔偿案件的诉讼方式

3.The Relationship between Industrial Injury Compensation and Tort Compensation--Scanning from judicial activity;工伤赔偿与民事侵权赔偿的关系——从司法审判的角度审视

4.Concurrence between the Industrial Injury Insurance and the Personal Injury Compensation;论工伤赔偿与民事侵权人身赔偿的竞合

5.Research upon the Tort Damages for Misrepresentation in the Securities Market;证券虚假陈述侵权民事赔偿制度研究


6.Punitive principle should be used in infringement of environment civil right;环境民事侵权应适用惩罚性赔偿原则

7.The Industrial Accident Insurance Indemnification and Civil Case Infringement Indemnity Apply a Relation工伤事故保险赔偿与民事侵权损害赔偿的适用关系

8.Probing into Several Problem on the Right of Indemnity Claim of Civil Infringement;民事侵权损害赔偿请求权的几个问题探究

9.The Relation of In industrial Injury Insurance And Ciuil Infringement In the compensation of Industial Accident工伤事故赔偿中工伤保险与民事侵权的关系

10.Thoughts about Legislation of Punitive Damages in Tort Caused by Public Nuisance;公害民事侵权适用惩罚性赔偿的立法思考

11.Study on the Confimation of the School s Responsibility for Civil Tort and Its Scope of Compensation;学校承担民事侵权责任的认定及赔偿范围研究

12.Rational and Enlightened Analysis of Judging Xu Ting Case as the Civil Tort Damages Compensation;许霆案应为“民事侵权损害赔偿案”的理析及启示

13.Probe into the Civil Compensation Principles for Mental Harms;对我国民事侵权精神损害赔偿适用原则的探讨

14.The Studies of Applying the Punishing Compensation to the Environment Infringement in Our Country;我国环境民事侵权引进惩罚性赔偿研究

15.Tentatively on State s Liability for Compensation and State Agency s Tort Liability;试论国家赔偿责任与国家机关侵权民事责任

16.In the Criminal Supplementary Civil Action Established the Civil Right Infringement Spirit Damage Compensate System;刑事附带民事诉讼中确立民事侵权精神损害赔偿制度的法律思考

17.At that time on the penlty for the tort-feasor,the criminal sanction was principal and the civial sanction was subordinate.唐代对侵权行为人主要处以刑事制裁,辅之以民事赔偿。

18.Rediscussion on the Problems of Scope and Amount of Compensation of Mental Torts Caused by Civil Tort;我国民事侵权精神损害赔偿范围与数额计算问题再探讨


Civil compensation system of medical encroachment of rights医疗侵权民事赔偿制度

3)civil case infringement民事侵权损害赔偿

4)civil right of plea for compensation民事赔偿请求权

1.Therefore,it is an important way to entitle consumers to thecivil right of plea for compensation in-order-to protect their legal benefit,and it falls into two types.但要从法律上规范广告行为,赋予消费者民事赔偿请求权是一个重要的手段。

5)Tort Compensation侵权赔偿

6)tort damages侵权赔偿

1.A Comparative Research Upon the Tort Damages for Misrepresentation in the Securities Market between America and China;中美证券市场虚假陈述侵权赔偿制度比较研究


民事1.犹国政。 2.泛指民间诸事;民政事务。 3.指力役之事。 4.指农事。 5.泛指民间生活情事。 6.有关民法的。

信誉资本 reputation capital英语短句 例句大全

信誉资本 reputation capital英语短句 例句大全



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肺功能损害 lung function damage英语短句 例句大全

...影响8.He lose his appeal for damages against the company他要求公司赔偿损害的上诉未能成功9.He lose his appeal for damages against the company.他要求公司赔偿损害的上诉未能成功。10.The Study of Liver Damage in Graves" Disease in Animal Experiment;Graves病肝功能损...








... or long-term damage ofoil pollution from ships;船舶油污中长期损失赔偿2.Adverse effects ofoil pollution on water quality of heating systems;施工油污对供暖系统水质的影响与危害3.Structure of a fund for compensation foroil pollution damage in PRC;中国油污基金制度的...




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