
舟山大陆连岛工程 Peninsula Project 英语短句例句大全

时间:2021-07-16 06:38:17


舟山大陆连岛工程 Peninsula Project 英语短句例句大全

舟山大陆连岛工程,Peninsula Project

1)Peninsula Project舟山大陆连岛工程


1.Geologic profile charting by integrating sub-bottom profile and bathymetric data浅地层剖面与测深数据综合成图法在舟山大陆连岛工程中的应用

2.Application of estuary high density seismic imaging to the island-mainland link project in Zhoushan水域高密度地震映像法在舟山大陆连岛工程中的应用

3.For the main bridge of Xihoumen Bridge of Zhoushan Mainland and Islands Link Project now being constructed, the fluid viscous dampers are also to be used.正在修建的舟山大陆连岛工程西堠门大桥主桥也计划采用液体粘滞阻尼器。

4.The Influence of Mainland Link Project upon Zhoushan s Economy Development;论大陆连岛工程建设对舟山经济发展的影响

5.Sea-crossing hydraulic pipeline of Zhoushan diversion work from the mainland舟山大陆引水工程跨海输水管道设计

puter Monitoring and Control System for the First-stage Water Diversion Pumping Station in Zhoushan Mainland舟山大陆引水一期工程泵站计算机监控系统

7.Analysis of the Engineering Geological Condition of Shallow-buried Hydraulic Tunnel in Zhoushan Island"s Hill舟山海岛丘陵浅埋水工隧洞工程地质条件分析

8.The island be joined to the mainland by a bridge岛上有座桥与大陆相连

9.The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.岛上有座桥与大陆相连.

10.Engineering Design of Intelligent System for Zhoushan Luting Hotel舟山市露亭大酒店智能化系统工程设计

11.Optimization of general layout of Ningbo-Zhoushan Port Jintang Dapukou Container Terminal宁波-舟山港金塘港区大浦口集装箱码头工程总平面布置优化

12.A piece of land that projects into a body of water and is connected with the mainland by an isthmus.半岛一块突入水域且以地峡和大陆相连的陆地

13.The new Bridge will link the island to the mainland.新的桥梁将把该岛与大陆连接在一起。

14.The bridge connects the island to the mainland这座桥将这个岛屿与大陆相连接。

15.The bridge connects the island with the mainland这座桥连接着这个岛屿与大陆。

16.The bridge connected the island with the mainland.这座桥把这个岛屿与大陆连接起来。

17.They planned to join the island to the mainland with a bridge.他们计划将岛与大陆连接起来。

18.Pollution-prevention for Land Formation Project of the First Four Berths of Dayaowan 1st-phase Project of Dalian Port论大连港大窑湾港区一期工程前四个泊位陆域形成工程污染防治


Mainland Link Project大陆连岛工程

1.The Influence ofMainland Link Project upon Zhoushan s Economy Development;论大陆连岛工程建设对舟山经济发展的影响

3)Zhoushan Archipelago舟山群岛

1.Characteristic Analysis on the Anions and pH Profiles of Rainwater ofZhoushan Archipelago;舟山群岛降水中阴离子及pH值的特征分析

2.Resources of wild woody ornamental plants inZhoushan Archipelago;舟山群岛野生木本观赏植物资源及分布

3.Studies on Inter-tidal Zone Ecology ofZhoushan Archipelago During the Summer,;夏季舟山群岛潮间带的生态学研究(英文)

4)Zhoushan islands舟山海岛

1.Zhoushan islands had 12 species of rare and endangered trees, six woody species of which were summarized on hibitate characteristic,propagation and protection status.本文将分布于舟山海岛12个珍稀濒危植物种中6个木本种的生境调查、繁殖及保存状况作一个总结性介绍,同时又将引进年限较长的43个外来珍稀树种近地保存研究现状按“已成功”、“可望成功”、“较难成功”3个类型进行评述,为深入有效地搞好此项工作,提出了今后的努力目标。

2.In Zhoushan Islands there are rich show [movie and television] culture.舟山海岛有着丰富的影视文化资源,发展影视旅游对舟山的旅游业及经济的发展具有举足轻重的作用。

5)Zhoushan Archipelago舟山海岛

1.Resources ofCinnamomum japonicum var.chenii,Neolitsea sericea and Tilia miqueliana inZhoushan Archipelago;舟山海岛普陀樟等3种特有树种种质资源清查

2.mairei onZhoushan Archipelago.通过播种、扦插、移栽和定植等迁地栽培与繁殖等各种试验,结果表明,南方红豆杉在舟山海岛苗期生长旺盛,1年生平均苗高为18。

6)Zhoushan Islands舟山群岛

1.On the Innovations of the Development Mode of Island Tourism in Our Country: TakingZhoushan Islands as an Example;我国海岛旅游开发模式创新研究——以舟山群岛为例

2.Study on the Abnormal Long-term Climate Changes and Developing Tendency overZhoushan Islands;舟山群岛异常气候长期变化与发展趋势的研究

3.The characteristics of hydro-dynamics and sediments in the strait channels ofZhoushan Islands area;舟山群岛峡道水动力及沉积特性



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