


「本文来源:参考消息网」参考消息网11月8日报道I guess I shouldnt apologize, but I do apologize for the fact that the United Stat

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“I guess I shouldn"t apologize, but I do apologize for the fact that the United States — the last administration — pulled out of the Paris accord. It put us sort of behind the eight ball a little bit.”






I am receiving resumes from current NASA employees who are realizing I made the right call in 2013. They"re asking me: Can you get us in somewhere?”“我不停地收到NASA现任员工发来的简历,他们现在认识到我在2013年作出了正确的决定。他们问我:你能帮我们...

2015-02-23 #经典句子



原标题:时人语录 | 美国纳税人要为国会山骚乱付出近5亿美元参考消息网8月16日报道I have found the damage amount of less than $1.5 million – when all of us American taxpayers are about to foot the bill for close to half a billion dollars – a little bit surprising.”...

2009-08-26 #经典句子



The PM leads a party that is divided and a country stockpiling food and medicines as if preparing for war.”“首相领导下的政党四分五裂,她领导下的国人犹如在备战一样储备食物和药品。”(英国《卫报》网站)——英国《卫报》1月15日发表社论称...

2007-02-14 #经典句子



“The risk of overdoing it is less than the risk of underdoing it. People are always worried about doing too much, and you look back in hindsight and say, ‘Well, we didn"t do too much. We might"ve done a little more and a little sooner’.”“过为的风险比不及的风险要来得小...

2011-09-03 #经典句子



原标题:【时人语录】“这个国家有很多历史”参考消息网7月12日报道“There is a lot of history with this country, some that maybe people don"t like today, and some that people are being judged for today for what they did 300 years ago. It"s still our country and every go...

2009-03-27 #经典句子

「时人语录」“没有巴黎圣母院 巴黎不再是巴黎”

「时人语录」“没有巴黎圣母院 巴黎不再是巴黎”

“In Paris, it"s a monumental symbol - every person with different religions are really moved and saddened. Paris without the cathedral is not Paris anymore.”“在巴黎,它是一个重要标志——不同宗教信仰的每个人都为之动容和悲痛。没有巴黎圣母院,巴黎不...

2023-01-14 #经典句子

「时人语录」“我们要的是检测试剂 他们却给我们送来一箱尸袋”

「时人语录」“我们要的是检测试剂 他们却给我们送来一箱尸袋”

“My team turned ghost white. We asked for tests, and they sent us a box of body bags.”“我的团队变得脸色煞白。我们要的是检测试剂,他们却给我们送来一箱尸袋。”(美国全国广播公司网站)——美国西雅图印第安人卫生委员会主席埃丝特...

2011-12-23 #经典句子



Don"t be deterred just because someone told you it"s not what a girl should do, just do what makes you happy.”“不要仅仅因为有人告诉你这不是女孩该做的事情就被唬住,就做让你开心的事情。”(美国《时代》周刊)——拉姆拉·阿里(如图)是2016...

2015-08-07 #经典句子