
温情动人的情感文字 抚慰心灵 治愈不安!


Most of the time, inadvertently know some later, the surface pretended to be indifferent, with a smile to hide, in fact, the heart than what all hurt 你突然安静得让我找不到你的存在

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Most of the time, inadvertently know some later, the surface pretended to be indifferent, with a smile to hide, in fact, the heart than what all hurt.


You suddenly quiet so that I can not find your existence.


My world has changed, there is no sunny or rainy days, even a time to retain regret, also do not give me a little.


If you love a girl, it"s better to fight for her happiness than to abandon her for the sake of her happiness.


You think you can let go of my happiness, but you do not know, my greatest happiness is to be able to hold hands with you.


How much do I like you?It"s like eating latiao as a kid, never looking at the date.


Accustomed to loneliness, a person is the world.


I may not be able to give you a car and a house in the future, but I promise -- if I eat meat in the future, I will never let you only eat soup.


How long before you go back to my world and make it go away.


I won"t pay attention to you so please don"t pay attention to me.


Don"t mix your wisdom with arrogance.Don"t let your modesty lack wisdom.


I was lying to myself about everything.Just in that piece of memory refused to get out of it.

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