
失落分手的伤感文案 简单美好 皆是失落


Lose your first night, dont look forward to the day 与其平淡过一生,不如投入爱一次,哪怕是短暂的一小时

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Lose your first night, don"t look forward to the day.


One hour of love is worth an age of dully living on.


I was casually remembered and then quickly forgotten.


The reason why people live tired, is put do not tear do not open complex.


Again deep memory, also have forgotten one day, again beautiful dream, also have to wake up one day.


It"s not you I"m missing.You"re not worth it.What I miss is once.We used to be who I used to be.


You should not always dissatisfied with others, you should always review their own.Discontent with others, is bitter yourself.


Life is meant to be fun. Seize the day, boys.Make your lives extraordinary.


As we strive to close the gaps with others, we should also be on the lookout for fatigue within ourselves.


I like to present myself, I miss our past.


Company is the longest love confession, company is more important than material.


At the beginning we said good enduring as the universe, but at the moment seems to be the original excuse to be together.


Happiness and sadness, everything has become the past, can still feel the true hypocrisy and sadness.


Sometimes what we want to love is not a person but a story.

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