
超暖心的治愈系文案 现实有意义 深沉有意义!


I want to contact you, but I lack an identity and a reason 我想联系你,但我缺少身份和理由

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Youth is a book that can"t be closed when it is opened, life is a road that can"t be returned when it is set foot on, and love is a bet that can"t be returned when it is thrown out.


I want to contact you, but I lack an identity and a reason.


There"s always someone, and when he leaves, you feel like you have nothing.


Most of the time, my pain is in my heart, but my happiness is in the eyes of others.


Those who make me angry, you never know how many times I put up with you.


In this world, there are always more people watching your jokes than caring about you.


Do you sometimes choose to leave first because you feel redundant?


I"ve given everything I deserve, and I"m willing to give it up, except to let you know that my heart is like a knife.


On graduation day, I thought I had left hell, but actually I left heaven.


I used to love you to the bottom of my heart, but now I hate you and hate it in my blood.


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