
特别扎心的丧系文案 简短虐心 越看越痛


You are a bad guy Others dare not bully you He has to consider the consequences before playing tricks and stumbling 以前

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You are a bad guy. Others dare not bully you. He has to consider the consequences before playing tricks and stumbling.


There was a girl I knew before. After breaking up with her boyfriend, they went to different cities. She always felt that the other party still loved herself, so she always lived in memories.


I can"t stand your hesitation.


Because he doesn"t love you, he thinks he has no reason to say hello to you. If he understands this, don"t hope for him anymore.


For example, some people choose to get married and others choose to be single. The former says the latter is too lonely, and the latter says the former lives too wrongly.


In order to make money, lose face and break the bottom line of life, to be honest, such people are destined to be stabbed in the spine.


Everyone who lives in the world wants to be the master of their own world, but you should understand that some things, not your efforts, can be replaced by a perfect ending.


No longer happy, full of contradictions and quarrels


Life is sometimes necessary, and life is not mandatory.

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