
雅思口语新题:An experience of being scared 受惊吓的经历


2 give a piercing look 用锐利的目光看I pushed the door ajar and spotted a man giving me a piercing look,and one of his ey

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1 pound on the door 猛敲门

Once when I was sleeping at seven-ish in the morning, suddenly I felt wide awake, and it seemed that someone had been pounding on the door. 有一次早上7点左右,我正在睡觉,突然一下惊醒了,发现好像有个人一直在猛敲门。

2 give a piercing look 用锐利的目光看

I pushed the door ajar and spotted a man giving me a piercing look,and one of his eyes was twitching.我把门开了一条缝,发现一个男生用锐利的目光看着我,一只眼睛还在抽动。

3 slam the door shut 用力关上门

Then I screamed out and slammed the door shut and dashed toward my bedroom. 然后我尖叫了一声,用力关上门,猛地跑向我的卧室。

4 come bursting through 破门而入

I was afraid that the man would come bursting through the door, my heart racing. 我很担心这个人会破门而入,我的心一直怦怦乱跳。


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