
超感人的爱情唯美说说 耐人寻味 句句打动人心!



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一、没有痛苦,不一定没有感觉。不,不一定没有期望。没有眼泪,没有疤痕。沉默并不意味着你没什么可说的。离开并不意味着你很聪明。幸福并不意味着你不悲伤。微笑有时像创可贴。虽然它掩盖了伤口,但还是很疼。我们一直在练习微笑,终于变成了不敢哭的人。No pain, not necessarily no feeling. No, not necessarily without expectations. No tears, no scars. Silence doesn"t mean you have nothing to say. Leaving doesn"t mean you"re smart. Happiness does not mean that you are not sad. Smiling is sometimes like a Band-Aid. Although it hides the wound, it still hurts. We practiced smiling all the time, and finally turned into people who dared not cry. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

二、朋友小华迷恋一个男孩好几年了。他总是默不作声地关心她,并且时刻保持警惕。男孩把她当作知己,但从不想和她在一起。我们都建议小华把自己的感受告诉对方。当小华终于鼓起勇气准备忏悔时,男孩突然兴高采烈地喊了起来,说他已经赶上了他一直珍爱的女神。My friend Xiaohua has been infatuated with a boy for several years. He always cared for her in silence and kept alert all the time. The boy regarded her as a confidant, but never wanted to be with her. We all suggest Xiaohua tell each other how she feels. When Xiaohua finally summoned up the courage to confess, the boy suddenly shouted in high spirits that he had caught up with the goddess he had always cherished. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

三、今生没有志向,只是找个情人,有个温暖的家。当我年轻的时候,我认为不读书就了解生活是不够的。直到后来我才意识到,如果我不理解生活,我就不会读书。There is no ambition in this life, but to find a lover and have a warm home. When I was young, I thought it was not enough to understand life without reading. It wasn"t until later that I realized that if I didn"t understand life, I would not read. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

四、唯一的灵魂,唯一的真理,隐藏了太多的伤疤。唯一的错误,心情的努力,多少梦想,只是一个人的理解。一个人的再见,遥不可及的思念,等来世的祝福,有多少错误。The only soul, the only truth, hides too many scars. The only mistake, the effort of the mood, the number of dreams, is only one person"s understanding. A person"s goodbye, distant miss, and so on afterlife"s blessing, how many mistakes. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

五、人生中最美好的事是相见,最罕见的事是再次相见。当毅力成为习惯时,我会按承诺来。世界上最孤独的不是你想念的人不在身边,而是当你孤独的时候,没有人会想念你。世上最幸福的不是有人把你握在手中爱你,而是有人值得你全心全意的爱。The best thing in life is to meet, and the rarest thing is to meet again. When perseverance becomes a habit, I will keep my promise. The loneliest thing in the world is not that the person you miss is not around, but that when you are lonely, no one will miss you. The happiest thing in the world is not that someone holds you in his hand and loves you, but that someone deserves your wholehearted love. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

六、抱怨是最没有意义的事情。如果你真的受不了周围的环境,试着秘密练习你的技能,然后跳出这个圈子!最肤浅的关系是,如果你犯了错误,他会忘记你所有的好处。Complaint is the most meaningless thing. If you really can"t stand the surroundings, try to practice your skills secretly, and then jump out of the circle! The superficial relationship is that if you make a mistake, he will forget all your benefits. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

七、爱你,所以你嫉妒。如果没有爱,那么无论你做什么,我都不在乎。我也知道聪明人应该慷慨大方,此时不要表现出一点嫉妒,但谁能在爱情的平衡中保持一种稳定的态度呢?爱情的关键是在两个人之间要有最低限度的信任。真爱让你嫉妒。Love you, so you are jealous. If there is no love, then whatever you do, I don"t care. I also know that smart people should be generous and not show a little jealousy at this time, but who can maintain a stable attitude in the balance of love? The key to love is to have a minimum of trust between two people. True love makes you jealous. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

八、苦苦挣扎之后,人们感到很平静。不再爱,不再恨,放手吧。在我们闪耀之前,我们都要拥抱一个人目前的尴尬和困难,孤独和偶尔的无助。After a hard struggle, people felt calm. No more love, no more hate, let go. Before we shine, we all embrace a person"s current embarrassment and difficulties, loneliness and occasional helplessness. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

九、为了幸福地生活,我们必须首先远离那些吞噬我们的人和事物。世界如此之大,总会有一天属于你。看到很多人,却不容易被拆散;恨很多人,却不容易回头。有时候,生活就是强迫自己变得听天由命、被宠坏和被羞辱。In order to live happily, we must first stay away from the people and things that devour us. The world is so big that one day it will belong to you. Seeing many people, it is not easy to be dismantled; hating many people, but not easy to turn back. Sometimes, life is about forcing yourself to become resigned, spoiled and humiliated. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

十、别人喜欢你和你喜欢你自己是很重要的,但是当你不能平衡两者时,你更重要的是喜欢你自己。所谓同学聚会,就是让在座的所有人在多年后都有机会看到所谓的沧桑,看到所谓的岁月如刀,看到所谓的人权与错误。It"s important that others like you and you like yourself, but when you can"t balance the two, it"s more important that you like yourself. The so-called reunion of students means that all of you will have the opportunity to see the vicissitudes of life, the so-called years like knives, and the so-called human rights and mistakes after many years. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

十一、做你该做的就是长大,做你该做的就是改变,做你想做的就是突破!当有人期望你突破时,你应该感激她,她将是你生命中的一个高尚的人!也许你会因此而改变和变质!你明白吗?What you should do is grow up, what you should do is change, what you want to do is breakthrough! When someone expects you to break through, you should thank her, she will be a noble person in your life! Maybe you will change and change as a result! Do you understand? & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

十二、每一个看似幸福舒适的人都经历过未知的夜晚;每一个美好的生活也可能有你看不到的沧桑。区别只在于是生活在一种不舒服的状态,还是走出一个充满烦恼的生活。不要嫉妒别人的收获,也不要抱怨你的失败。这只是你的选择。Every seemingly happy and comfortable person has experienced unknown nights; every good life may also have vicissitudes you can not see. The difference is whether to live in an uncomfortable state or to walk out of a troubled life. Don"t be jealous of other people"s gains and don"t complain about your failure. It"s just your choice. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

十三、现在我真的明白了。我一直在努力寻找我的目的地。我只想要能在我心中产生共鸣的人。当我累了,我可以在港口停下来。然而,它还没有被理解。或者,路过。即使微笑也有时间在未来停留。所以,我还在等待,还在寻找,属于自己,最美丽的目的地。心愿:一棵树在心中绽放着紫色和红色。Now I really understand. I"ve been trying to find my destination. I just want someone who resonates in my heart. When I am tired, I can stop at the port. However, it has not yet been understood. Or, pass by. Even a smile has time to stay in the future. So, I am still waiting, still looking for, belong to oneself, the most beautiful destination. Wish: A tree blooms purple and red in its heart. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

十四、你尽力给她,也许不是她想要的…不要把消极情绪传给别人,朋友也不能。每个人每天都很努力地工作。在他心里难过是件好事。每个人都有潜在的能量,但这很容易:被习惯所隐藏,被时间所浪费,被惰性所消耗。You try your best to give her, maybe not what she wants. Don"t pass on negative emotions to others, nor can friends. Everyone works hard every day. It"s a good thing to be sad in his heart. Everyone has potential energy, but it"s easy: hidden by habits, wasted by time, consumed by inertia. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

十五、成熟是,你不理我,我不会多说,你讽刺我,我笑,如果你爱我,我爱你多。为明天的清凉自己不断努力,盲目抛弃人的原则,不坚强;太顽固愚蠢的坚持,是不够的。能够在坚持原则的基础上迎接各种挑战的人才是非常有天赋的。Maturity is, you ignore me, I will not say more, you satirize me, I laugh, if you love me, I love you more. It is not strong to work hard for tomorrow"s coolness and blindly abandon people"s principles; it is not enough to persevere too stubbornly and foolishly. Those who can meet all kinds of challenges on the basis of adhering to principles are very talented. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

十六、相信生活不会伤害你,你吃苦了,你掉进坑里,你走错了路,会实践独特成熟坚强感激你。你的首要责任是让自己快乐。如果你快乐,你可以让别人快乐,因为快乐的人愿意看到你身边快乐的人。Believe that life will not hurt you, you suffer, you suffer, you fall into the pit, you go the wrong way, you will practice unique mature strong thank you. Your primary responsibility is to make yourself happy. If you are happy, you can make others happy, because happy people want to see happy people around you. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

十七、慢慢学会了:坚持不懈不一定是胜利,放弃不一定是失败,宁可优雅地转身,也不可气势磅礴地撞墙。给自己一个迂回的空间,学会思考,学会等待,学会调整。生活中没有假设,现在就这样了。如果你不能移动你的背部,放下它;如果你不能伤害它,放下它;如果你不能思考它,不要思考它;如果你不能讨厌它,它会平静下来。Learned slowly that perseverance is not necessarily a victory, giving up is not necessarily a failure, rather gracefully turn around, but not impossibly hit the wall. Give yourself a circuitous space, learn to think, learn to wait, learn to adjust. There are no assumptions in life, and that"s it now. If you can"t move your back, put it down; if you can"t hurt it, put it down; if you can"t think about it, don"t think about it; if you can"t hate it, it will calm down. & lt; br /& gt; & lt; br /& gt;

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