
充满个性的情感文案 温柔又含蓄 让人流泪!


People are not lovely because they are beautiful, but beautiful because they are lovely 女人如茶,带给你的是永不厌倦的淡淡的幽香,带给你的是一生不悔的淡淡感受

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People are not lovely because they are beautiful, but beautiful because they are lovely.


Women, like tea, bring you the faint fragrance of never getting tired, and the faint feeling of never regretting all your life.


Do something for others, and a little resentment, alive is interesting, otherwise empty space.


How beautiful the world is, how dark the heart is.


The most sad thing in your life is when someone you used to love deeply, then suddenly tells you that he used to love you too.


For many years, you have been living in my wound, I put down heaven and earth, but never put down you.


No matter how fancy the wedding, it doesn"t mean a happy marriage.Whether two people get along well for life has nothing to do with how many parties they have and how much jewelry they have.


The biggest tacit understanding between us is that I don"t say, you don"t ask.A few words, but all the heart.


Happiness is on my left, but I am not left-handed to catch you.


I"m willing to share anything with you except a boyfriend.

有时候 ,有些人 ,他爱你的时候你不爱 ,他走了,你却在怀念。

Sometimes, some people, he loves you when you do not love, he is gone, but you miss.


He let you red eyes, but you still smile to forgive, this is love.

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