
唯美高级的情感文案 幸福感满满 满怀爱意


Why break up now the reason is basically do not like inappropriate have no future, but refused to admit that like others 我以为开学前见你一面,到学校后就不会想你

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Why break up now the reason is basically do not like inappropriate have no future, but refused to admit that like others.


I thought if I saw you once before school started, I wouldn"t miss you when I got there.


The cold street light reminds me that we have broken up.


Dream is a happy thought, thinking about thinking about happiness, it stubbornly stood there, is a landmark of life, representing vitality and upward.


Standing at the top of life, overlooking the life of the various.


When the crops refuse, the boatman does not let the wind.


It"s interesting to learn that the people who hurt you the most are the ones who say they never would.


Your name is written in my heart, let me love you forever!


Missing, is the mood of the restless, remind the memory of the dribs and drabs, is full of passion and no one to talk, murmuring to the moon.


See you one eye, I deeply like you!I love you my whole life, and I want to be with you forever.


I don"t allow you to be weak, you have to be very strong, I am so disobedient, you have to control me oh!


I"m just an ordinary person, thirsty will drink water, sleepy will want to sleep, pain, will let go.

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