
连知抗感胶囊 Lianzhi Anti-flu Capsule英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-21 17:47:45


"连知抗感胶囊+Lianzhi+Anti-flu+Capsule英语短句+例句大全" is a comprehensive collection of English short sentences and example sentences related to Lianzhi Anti-flu Capsules. This collection provides a valuable resource for those learning English or seeking to understand the benefits and usage of Lianzhi Anti-flu Capsules. From simple phrases to detailed example sentences, this compilation covers a wide range of scenarios, allowing users to grasp the essence of the product and its effectiveness in preventing and treating flu symptoms. Whether for language learning or product research, this resource serves as a valuable tool for anyone interested in understanding and communicating about Lianzhi Anti-flu Capsules in the English language.

连知抗感胶囊,Lianzhi Anti-flu Capsule

1)Lianzhi Anti-flu Capsule连知抗感胶囊


1.Clinical Observation of the Treatment for Fengreganmao Cold with Lianzi Anti-flu Capsule连知抗感胶囊治疗风热感冒临床观察

2.Study of Chinese Medicine on TLR9 of RGH Patient and TLR9、IFNα of Mouse That Infected with HSV-2;中药抗病毒胶囊对RGH患者TLR9及对小鼠HSV-2感染TLR9、IFNα影响

3.CONCLUSION ①Lianhua Qingwen Capsule has inhibiting effect on decrease of cell immunity caused by infection of flu virus.结论①连花清瘟胶囊对流感病毒感染引起的细胞免疫功能降低有一定的抑制作用。

4.Objective To observe the effect of serum containing antivirus capsule of Chinese herb.目的观察抗病毒胶囊血清抗病毒作用。

5.Experimental study on the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action of sihuang capsule四黄胶囊抗炎、抗菌作用的实验研究

6.CONCLUSION Compound Ganmaoling capsules have obvious antibacterial, antiviral and antipyretic actions, which are slightly superior than that of the tablets.结论复方感冒灵胶囊具有明显的抗菌、抗病毒、解热作用,略优于原片剂。

7.Determination of Chlorogenic acid in Lianhua Qingwen Capsule by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC测定连花清瘟胶囊中绿原酸含量

8.Research on Mechanism of Nanglixiao Capsule on Treating Epilepsy;囊立消胶囊抗癫痫作用机制的实验研究

9.Experimental Study of Shuang Ling Fuzheng Kangai Capsule(SLFKC) on Inhibiting Heps of Mouse双苓扶正抗癌胶囊对小鼠肝癌的影响

10.Studies on the Mechanisms of Kaixin Capsule in Endothelial Dysfunction;开心胶囊抗内皮损伤的作用机制研究

11.Study on Kangnaoshuai Capsule Extracted Liquids Ultrafiltration by Ceramic Membrane;陶瓷膜超滤抗脑衰胶囊提取液的研究

12.Pharmacology of Fufang Sanqi Capsule on Experimental Myocardial Ischemia;复方三七胶囊抗心肌缺血药理学研究

13.Studies on Anti-Cerebral Ischemia Effects and Mechanism of Action of QN;QN胶囊的抗脑缺血作用及机制初探

14.The Experimental Study on Anti-Aging Effect of Jian-Nao-Yi-Shou Capsule;健脑益寿胶囊抗衰老作用的实验研究

15.Inhibitory Effect of Zhibie Capsule (ZBC) on Hepatic Fibrosis in Rats;枳鳖胶囊抗大鼠肝纤维化的实验研究

16.Experimental Studies on Anti-inflammation,Analgesic Action for Ronggensheng Capsule榕根生胶囊抗炎镇痛作用的实验研究

17.Study on the anti-inflammatory,analgesic,fever relieving and cholaneresis functions of Qingdan capsules清胆胶囊的抗炎镇痛、清热利胆作用

18.Experimental Studies on Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Effects of Jingkangling Capsules颈康灵胶囊抗炎镇痛作用的实验研究


Kangganqing capsule抗感清胶囊

3)Kanggannin capsule抗感宁胶囊

1.Studies on antipyretic effect ofKanggannin capsule;抗感宁胶囊的解热作用研究

4)Kang Ganmao capsule抗感冒胶囊

1.Objective:To compare the results which were obtained by using two different drying methods onKang Ganmao capsule and to optimize excipient to enhance its stability.结论:经干燥工艺筛选及辅料优化后的抗感冒胶囊性质稳定,单次服用量小,且较抗感冒颗粒更能改善病人的顺应性和扩大病患适用群体,故能够投入大工业生产。

5)Qinlian antivirus capsule芩连抗病毒胶囊

1.Quantification of baicaline inQinlian antivirus capsules;芩连抗病毒胶囊中黄芩苷的含量测定

6)Anti-influenza Julan capsulels菊蓝抗流感胶囊


抗感胶囊药物名称:抗感胶囊汉语拼音:Kanggan Jiaonang主要成分:金银花、赤芍、绵马贯众。性状:胶囊剂,内容物为棕褐色的粉末;味微酸、略苦涩。药理作用:功能与主治:清热解毒。用于外感风热引起的发热,头痛,鼻塞,喷嚏,咽痛,全身乏力酸痛等症。用法与用量:口服。一次2粒,一日3次,小儿酌减或遵医嘱。不良反应:禁忌症:注意事项:规格: 0.45g。贮藏:密封。有效期:暂定1.5年。处方药:是

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