
这些能说到你内心里的文案 发自肺腑 适合感慨


想起来,不在窥探的日子里是不是释怀了可人啊,总想记着美好来支撑这漫漫人生Think of it, is it relieved when Im not snooping? I always

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Think of it, is it relieved when I"m not snooping? I always want to remember beauty to support this long life


I read your social information every morning, but I dare not tell you that this is my self-esteem?


This sleepless night will really think of a lot of things, although I"m fine after you leave


The sun rises as usual, as warm as yesterday, and sometimes cloudy


I will also fall into a moment of listening to a song and think of the ordinary and warm feelings you clearly treat, but I will also think about what kind of love is equal, and this paid feeling is better


So will you fall in love with others


Sometimes I miss fate. It"s a magical thing. I still remember the scene when I saw you for the first time. I remember every word you said and the one you often nagged about


I didn"t fall in love with you at first sight. In fact, I didn"t dare to think and believe that we would have so many intersections and entanglements, and I didn"t dare to think that in the end, you were my exception, which was the only thing I wanted


I can"t help laughing when I think of where I"ve seen and loved people, so I"ll look at you seriously every time


See the smile on your face and think about what you and I are playing? I"ll be happy as long as you"re happy. It"s lucky you know I like you so much


If you want to ask me how much I like you


I want to say how much I hope you will be happy in the future is to like you

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