

时间:2018-06-08 10:49:52





1.Development and Characteristics of OverseasChinese Literature:And Talking about Some of the Ideas in theChinese Literary History and Chinesisch Literature History海外华文文学的发展与特色——兼谈有关新编中国文学史、汉语文学史的一些想法


1.Reflections on the Transformation of Overseas Chinese literature to Chinese literature;华文文学与华人文学之辨——关于华文文学研究转向华人文学的反思

2.The Cultural Identity of the Younger Generation of Overseas Chinese in Kobe;神户华侨华人二三代的中华文化认同

3.Call for concerted effort to develop Chinese literature掀起发展华文文艺热潮

4.I like the Chinese language. I especially love traditional Chinese culture and arts.我喜欢华文,特爱中华文化传统艺术。

5.Chinese poetry in Brunei is part of the world Chinese literature.文莱华文诗歌是世界华文文学的一部分。

6.On the Spread and Study of Malaysian Chinese Literature in the Journal Chinese Literature《华文文学》杂志对马华文学的传播与研究

7.Is it feasible to promote Mandarin as a spoken language without at the same time promoting Chinese as a literary written language?只推广华语,不谈华文,行得通吗?


8.Being a Chinese, is it wrong to have a desire to learn the Chinese language?身为华人,爱学华文,何罪之有?

9.Ethnic Rights of Indonesian Chinese and Prospects of Chinese Education in Indonesia;印尼华人的民族权利与华文教育问题

10.The characteristics of Chinese culture reflected in Chinese enterprises in thailand;泰国华人企业管理中的中华文化特征

11.The Evolution of the Attitude of Malaysian Chinese Association on Chinese Language Education马华公会对华文教育的态度演变研究

12.Fuxi and its Huaxu Country:Origin of Chinese Civilization中华文明源于伏羲及其故土——华胥国

13.Chinese catching up fast as Net language华文网络资讯后市看起

14.the huge number of Chinese-speakers;一、华文的使用者多;

15.The kind of Chinese elite we need我们所需要的华文精英

16.flos ferri【地质】文石华, 铁华, 霰石华

17.The cultural cornerstone of the Chinese here is still largely what they have inherited from China.华族的文化基石还是华夏文化。

18.Contemporary Chinese American in Cultural Interaction between China and America;近代旅美华人华侨与中美文化的互动


overseas Chinese literature华文文学

1.As a majoroverseas Chinese literature creation center, Singapore has attracted the attention of numerous scholars, and Chinese literature of Singapore has become another hotspot ofoverseas Chinese literature research besides the Chinese literature in Taiwan and Hong Kong.作为海外华文文学创作的重镇之一,新加坡吸引了众多学者的目光,新加坡华文文学成为除台港文学之外的另一个华文文学研究的热点,研究不断深入,成绩斐然。

2.The academic circles ofoverseas Chinese literature have recently manifested a tendency to change its focus fromoverseas Chinese literature to Chinese literature.从华文文学转向华人文学,目前已成为华文文学研究界值得关注的一种学术趋向。

3)Chinese-language literature华文文学

1.It has been more than 20 years since the research on overseasChinese-language literature came into being.海外华文文学研究在中国大陆兴起至今已有20多年的历史,通过回顾其发展历程,梳理该学科从孕育到走向成熟的历史脉络——从外在(研究领域、对象)平面空间上的拓展,到内在理论建设的不断进深。

2.It s an inevitable trend to interpret the relationship between overseasChinese-language literature and homegr.站在特定的视角阐释海外华文文学与中国本土文学的关系,阐明它们既共同推动中华文化的全新进程,又互动互补相互融合,共同驱使华文文学走向全球化与现代性是不可避免的。

4)Chinese literature华文文学

1.Constructing and Leaving in Suspension——Reflections on naming scientificity of"Chinese literature throughout the world";纷争、建构与悬置——关于华文文学命名科学性的思考

2.Recently,in the discussion about "Diaspora" in theChinese literature,the products by feminine Chinese writers of North America in the 20th century became the focus,for they looked into the double question of the sexual identity and ethnic identity of feminine immigrants coming from China through literary imagination.近年来,在有关“离散”的华文文学讨论中,20世纪北美华文女作家的创作被认为是用文学想象的方式探讨华人移民女性的性别身份与族裔身份的双重“问题”而成为热点。

3.In the last twenty years the main body ofChinese literature ——writers creative model——has hardly changed as a result of no drastic changes in most societies whereChinese literature exists.20多年来,就总体而言,由于华文文学所在地区的社会存在大都没有发生突变性的变化,华文文学的创作主体———作家所运用的创作方法基本上没有变,华文文学中的各种体裁也没有什么突变,所以华文文学的总体是渐进性地向前发展。

5)Literature in Chinese华文文学

1.Malaysian literature in Chinese gives special emphasis on the local tradition.马来西亚华文文学较为重视与强调“本土传统” ;其重视与强调的“本土的文学传统”有着独特的文化内涵。

6)Chinese language literature华文文学

1.The name ofChinese language literature and that of Chinese people literature has been in conflict in the field of literature for long.华文文学与华人文学命名之争,由来已久。


华文影片公司香港第一家以摄制大型中国内地风光纪录片为主的制片机构。由赵一山创办于1956年。到1983年,共拍摄了43部风光纪录片、 戏曲片、 人物传记片和故事片。较著名的风光纪录片有《泰山南北》、《齐鲁英豪》、《北京漫游》、《万里长城万里长》、《美丽的三江》、《昆明春晓》、《潮梅之春》等;戏曲片中较著名的有吕剧《姊妹易嫁》,越剧《西厢记》、《云中落绣鞋》,锡剧《孟丽君》、《珍珠塔》,闽剧《胭脂记》,潮剧《火烧临江楼》,评剧《姻缘》等。1978年以后拍摄的人物传记片《末代皇帝溥仪》和故事片《精变》、《追索》等,都曾在全国放映。1986年11月,"华文"代理发行的故事片《北京故事》,在香港连续上映56天。

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