
错爱的伤心小短句 满怀爱意 温柔而美好


When you are not by my side, you are reflected in my eyes, melancholy and loneliness are intertwined, caring and missing a

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When you are not by my side, you are reflected in my eyes, melancholy and loneliness are intertwined, caring and missing are lingering, and the numb soul loses its peace.


Is it because I am too strong, and it hurts me to death?


The real person who can accompany you to the end is not someone who can"t tell him I"m sleepy when you chat with him late at night, but someone who can let you sleep when you tell him I"m sleepy at any time. Because you never have to worry that there will be no tomorrow after tonight.


There is a person in life who is sour and uncomfortable when he thinks of it.


What the left eye sees is all sadness; All I see in my right eye is helplessness.


As for love, I only know value and unworthiness, and it is not worth cutting and leaving. Love and non-love are just a kind of emotion at present, and they are worthless. Hard work must pay off. Love with all your heart will only leave scars. Don"t think I am arrogant and indifferent, because your love is too thin.


Only when someone cares, injustice is injustice, and fear is real fear. No one understands injustice and fear, which is melodramatic and absurd.


I like to leave my mark on you, but I never remember that you never belonged to me.


Memories of rotting leaves, those fresh greens have already been buried in the front of the time scale, but the overwhelming smell of rotting remains at the back of the time scale.


We had feelings, but that was once. Someone once said that he loved you all his life.

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