
每日一句英译英:I have sth.和There is sth.的区别


1 I have something,体验英语:1 I paid $10,0000 for the house,so now we have a house,or a home to live in 2 The family is

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每日一句英译英:I have sth.和There is sth.的区别

每日一句英译英:have or there is ?


1) I have something,体验英语:

1.I paid $10,0000 for the house,so now we have a house,or a home to live in.

2.The family is rich.It has a large land,a boat and many cars.

3. They have a beautiful home.

4.He has plenty of money but no style.

2) I have something英译英:

1. Okay.I got you.You have a car means You own a car=You"re the owner of the car=(big word)You possess the car=You"re in possession of the car.The car belongs to you.You"re entitled to the car(big word).

2. So,to have something means to own something,to possess something,to hold something,to control something.Something belongs to someone.


1) There is something,体验英语:

1. There is no hope.

2. There is a lake on the other side of the forest.

3. There must be a reason for doing this.

2) There is something英译英:

1.Okay.I got you.We say There is something to mean something exists in a particular place or something happens in a particular place, or that something is in a particular place.

借助Thete is,我们有机会用一用我们学过的英语。

2.But when we talk about characteristics(特征) of something:

A week has 7 days=means There are 7 days in a week.



There are some who have and some who have not.



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