
可用于表达感情的文案 温柔简单 令人惆怅!


It breaks my heart Youre doing better than anyone else I dont mind being alone, at least its more comfortable than loving you 它让我心碎

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If you can let go of the past, the past will certainly let go of you.


It breaks my heart. You"re doing better than anyone else. I don"t mind being alone, at least it"s more comfortable than loving you.


Love, when you want to conquer each other emotionally, has actually been conquered by each other to a certain extent. First, it is the attraction of the other party, and then it is your desire to conquer the other party.


Why worry about automatically shutting down your mobile phone when it"s dead? It"s as if someone will find you and find you out.


I don"t like to be sad, and I"m not easy to be sad, because there are always reasons to be sad, and my room is filled with uninvited people. If I get sad one by one, maybe tomorrow will be my death day.


I"m afraid I won"t even be jealous in the end, and I won"t even have the courage to forget.


Love lightly, love quietly, think deeply and let go lightly.


Love is like rice, and romantic process is like vegetables. When people are hungry, they think about eating. But after eating, more people like to comment on whether the food is good or not, while ignoring the white rice. Getting to know each other is desirable, adding up is friendship, and feeling is intentional. We can get together because our hearts are connected.


Now I know that you are so fickle!


I fell in love with snow for fear of cooling, but I fell in love with you for fear of pain.


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