
语法干货- in on at作时间和地点介词的用法


Today we are going to be talking about the prepositions in, on, and at 今天我们将要谈论介词 in,on 和 at

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Hello, everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy.

大家好,欢迎回到跟着 Lucy 学英语。

Today we are going to be talking about the prepositions in, on, and at.

今天我们将要谈论介词 in,on 和 at。

They are prepositions of time and place.


Is it in the morning? On the morning? Or at the morning?

是 in the morning?On the morning?还是 at the morning?

Why did we say at Christmas, but on Christmas day?

为什么我们要说在圣诞期间要用 at,在圣诞节当天却用 on?

Why do you go in a taxi, but on a bus?

为什么坐出租车是 in,坐公交车却是 on 呢?

That is what we are going to discuss in today"s English lesson.


As always, there is a free PDF that goes with this lesson.

一如往常,本课程附带免费的 pdf。

It"s got all of the information from the lesson plus a quiz that I think you"re really like.


You can use it to check that you"ve really understood how to use in, on, and at as prepositions of place and prepositions of time.

你可以用它来检查你真的理解如何把 in,on 和 at 用作地点和时间介词。

If you would like the free PDF click on the link in the description box you enter your name and your email address you sign up to my mailing list and I send the PDF directly to your inbox.

如果你想要免费的 pdf,请单击描述栏中的链接,然后输入你的名字和注册到我的邮件列表的电子邮件地址,我会将 pdf 直接发送到你的收件箱。

Before we get started I would like to thank the sponsor of today"s video it is Lingoda, your new language school.

在开始之前,我要感谢今天视频的赞助商,那就是你的新语言学校 Lingoda。

You can attend the school from the comfort of your own home, 24-seven at your own pace.


Cut the travel time, not the quality.


Lingoda has an interactive curriculum amazing qualified teachers, an average group class sizes of just three to four students.

Lingoda 拥有互动式课程,优秀的有资质的教师,小组平均班级人数仅为三个到四个学生。

You can study English, Business English, French, German and Spanish, and prices start from just eight euros per group class.

你可以学英语、商务英语、法语、德语和西班牙语,每个小组课程的价格 8 欧元起。

They have added cool new features like homework and quizzes to keep your learning journey on track.


Their February sale is now on.


Click on the link below and use the code LOVE2021 to get 20% of all Lingoda courses.


Hurry, this offer ends on the 1st of March.

抓紧时间,这个优惠将在 3 月 1 日结束。

If you are watching this video after the deadline, don"t worry, I will put a current offer in the prescription box, so check that out.


Right, let"s get started with the lesson.


Let"s start with in, on, and at as prepositions of time.

先从 in,on 和 at 作时间介词开始。

When we look at, in, on, at we move from general to more specific.

当我们看到 in,on 和 at 的时候,我们由宽泛转向更具体。

That"s a really good way to think of things, in is very general, on is quite general and at is normally more specific.

这是一个思考的好方法,in 很宽泛,on 比较宽泛,而 at 通常更具体。

Let"s take a look at in first.

我们先看 in。

Firstly, we use in to talk about periods of time, general periods of time because in is very general.

首先,我们用 in 来谈论时间段,宽泛的时间段,是因为 in 很宽泛。

In the future.


In the past.


In the present.


Some examples, in the future, I"d like to get married.


In the past I studied hard at school.


In is also used to talk about years and I mean individual years like 1991, for example, groups of years, decades, and centuries.

In 还被用来谈论年份,我指的是像1991 年这样的单独的年份,好几年,几十年以及几个世纪。

In 1994, I was born.

1994 年,我出生了。

I was born in the 90s.

我出生于 90 年代。

My great grandfather was born in the 19th century.

我的曾祖父出生于 19 世纪。

Maybe he wasn"t, my great, great grandfather was born in the 19th century, I think.


We also use in to talk about seasons these are big parts of the year.

我们也经常用 in 来谈论季节,它们是一年中的几个大部分。

In summer.


In winter.


In autumn, I love seeing the changing of the leaves.


In spring I feel really positive.


We also use in to talk about months and weeks.

我们也用 in 来谈论月份和星期。

In June.


In November.


In five weeks time.


In a few weeks.


These all use in.

这些全部用的是 in。

In June, I will be 27,

六月我要满 27 岁了。

I can"t believe that.


Or hopefully look down in the UK will end in a few weeks.


Who knows, if you"re from the future, can you tell me, I would really like to know.


Lastly, we use in to talk about parts, general parts of days.

最后我们用 in 来谈论一天中的几个大致部分。

For example, in the morning.


In the afternoon.


In the evening, I like to relax and play board games.


So that"s clear, in is general.

所以很明显,in 很宽泛。

Let"s move on to on.

让我们继续说 on。

It"s much more specific but not quite as specific as at.

它更具体一些,但是没有 at 那么具体。

We use on to talk about dates.

我们用 on 谈论日期。

For example, on the 10th of June, 1994, I was born.


I"m sorry I bring my birthday into everything.


I really enjoyed my birthday.


Another example, on his birthday.


On his birthday, he went out for a meal.


We also use on to talk about holidays that include the word day.

我们还用 on 来谈论带有 day 这个词的假期。

On Christmas day.


On new year"s day.


On a bank holiday.


A bank holiday is a day where schools are closed and normally we don"t have to work and most importantly banks are closed that"s why it gets its name.


They normally fall on a Monday so you have a nice long weekend.


I love bank holidays.


So we don"t say on Christmas but we do say on Christmas day, I wonder if you can guess which preposition we use for Christmas.

所以我们不说 on Christmas,但是我们确实说 on Christmas day,我想知道你是否能猜到我们用哪个介词来说圣诞节。

We also use on for days of the week, on Monday.

我们也把 on 用于一周七天,在周一。

On Friday.


On Friday evening.


On Saturday morning.


On is also used for days of the month.

On 也被用来表示几月几号。

On the 4th of July.

在 7 月 4 日。

On the first day of September.


Remember in American English and British English we say dates differently.


So I would say on the 4th of May, they might say May 4th.

所以我会说 the 4th of May,而他们可能会说 May 4th。

I do have a video on how to say and write dates in English.


It"s very old,


I probably look very, very young in it.


I will leave it in the description for you.


I have one miscellaneous, slightly random one and that is on time.


On time.


I arrived to work on time, at the correct time.


Okay, let"s move on to at, the most specific preposition we use at to talk about specific times, at 10:00 AM.

让我们继续说 at,我们用来谈论时间的最具体的介词,在上午十点。

At three o"clock.


At lunchtime.


At sunset.


At sunrise.


At the moment, right now.


You will often see us saying atm for at the moment in spoken slang, English.


What are you doing atm?


What are you doing at the moment, that"s a good one to remember.


We also use at to talk about holidays without the word day.

我们也用 at 来谈论不带 day 的假期。

So at Christmas.

所以是 at Christmas。

At Christmas I like to spend time with my family.


Although I didn"t get to this year.


Thanks, COVID.


At Easter.


So it"s on Easter Sunday or at Easter when we"re talking about the whole weekend of Easter.


One last miscellaneous one, we have at night, at night.


In the PDF I mentioned before I have included a quiz so you can check your understanding of in, on, and at as prepositions of time, the link for that is in the description box.

在我之前提到的 pdf 文件中,其中包含一个测验,这样你可以检查你对 in,on 和 at 作时间介词的理解,链接就在描述栏里。

Let"s move on to, in, on, and at, as prepositions of place.

我们继续讲解 in,on 和 at 作地点介词。

And I have some good news: in, on, and at as prepositions of place also follow that same rule as before.

我有一些好消息:in,on 和 at 用作地点介词也遵循与以前相同的规则。

In is more general.

In 更宽泛。

On is in the middle.

On 是中等水平。

And at is more specific.

At 更具体。

If you"re stuck in an exam, just keep that in your head at least you can have a good estimation of which preposition to use.


Let"s start with in again, nice and general in.

我们还是从 in 开始。非常宽泛的 in。

In is used to talk about countries.

In 被用来谈论国家。

I am in England.


He is in Ireland.


We also use in talk about cities, very general once again.

我们也用 in谈论城市,还是很宽泛。

I stayed in Jakarta, in Jakarta.


In Seville.


When I went to Italy, I stayed in Palermo.


Like cities we also use in for neighbourhoods and large areas.

跟城市一样,我们还把 in 和社区以及大的区域连用。

For example, in the Cotswolds, the Cotswolds is a beautiful large area of England.


Or in Kensington.


That"s an big neighbourhood in London.


We also use in for enclosed spaces and this is an important one to remember, we are in a taxi.

我们也把 in 用于封闭空间,这是要记住的一个重点,我们在出租车里。

In a car.


Now I"ll talk about trains and buses later on because we don"t use in with them we use on.

我稍后再谈论火车和巴士,因为我们把它们和 in 连用,而是和 on。

And I like to think that because taxis, cars, and helicopters are small spaces and you have to crouch down and make yourself small to get into them we use in.

我喜欢这样想,这是因为出租车,汽车和直升机是很小的空间,你必须蹲下来让自己变小才能进入它们,所以我们用 in。

We also use in for in a classroom.

我们也把 in 和教室连用。

In the house.


In the books.


Finally, we use in for books and newspapers.

最后我们把 in 跟书本和报纸连用。

In the Times.


In the dictionary.


I saw that in the newspaper.


Let"s move on to on.

我们继续讲解 on。

This is less general than in but not quite as specific as at.

这个词比没有 in 宽泛,但是也不像 at 那么具体。

We use on to talk about streets or roads or avenues, on Fleet Street.

我们用 on 来谈论街道,道路或大道,在舰队街上。

On Fifth Avenue.


On the Kings Road.


We also use on to talk about surfaces.

我们还用 on 谈论表面。

On the floor.


On the ceiling.


On the roof.


On the table.


We also use on to talk about floors of buildings.

我们还用 on 来谈论建筑物的楼层。

Her office is on the first floor.


I am on the top floor.


Important, we use on to talk about public transport.

重要的是我们用 on 谈论公共交通。

On the train.


On a bus.


On a plane.


So it"s in a taxi, car, helicopter, on a train, bus, tram, plane.

所以在出租车,汽车和直升机里用的是 in,而在火车、汽车、电车、飞机上是 on。

These are less enclosed spaces in general, you can enter them and remain standing up—that"s how I like to think of them.


Finally, we use on for communications and media.

最终我们把 on 用于通讯和媒体。

On the TV.


On the internet.


On the news, meaning on the news on TV.


On the radio.


I was on the radio last week did you hear me?


Finally, we have at, very specific usually.

最后,我们有 at,通常非常具体。

We use at for addresses, this are very specific.

我们把 at 用于地址,这很具体。

Number 10 High Street.

高街 10 号。

Or the Red House, Bedford Street.


In England most houses have house numbers but especially in villages or for very big houses, some have names.


Whenever I"ve lived in a city, my house or flat has always had a number, but where I grew up and where I live now I live in a rural location there aren"t many people nearby, we have a house name.


We also use at for specific locations.

我们还把 at 用于具体的位置。

I am at the bus stop.


He is at the museum.


At is also used for shops, at the coffee shop.

At 也用于商店,在咖啡店。

At the bakery.


At the butcher"s.


We also use at for group activities, at a party.

我们也把 at 用于团体活动,在派对上。

At a concert.


At a theatre.


An important one to remember is that we use at for home, work, and places of study.

要记住的一个重点是我们把 at 用于家庭,工作和学习场所。

I"m at school.


I"m at university.


I"m at work.


I"m at home.


We also use at with top, bottom, and start for example, at the end of the river.

我们还把 at 和顶部、底部和起点连用,例如河流的尽头。

At the top of the page.


At the bottom of the stairs.


Finally, this one is slightly strange, but do you remember I said we use on for surfaces, so my laptop is on my desk.

最后一个很奇怪,但是你还记得吗,我说过我们用 on 谈论 表面,所以我的笔记本电脑在我的桌子上。

However, I am sitting at my desk.


You sit at a table, at a surface, but you put your things on a table, on a surface.


If I were to get up and sit on top of my desk then I would be on the desk.

如果我站起来坐在办公桌上,那么就是 on the desk。

Right, that is it for today"s lesson.


Again, I have included a quiz for in, on, and at prepositions of both place and time.

再说一次,我准备了 in,on 和 at 作时间和地点介词的测验。

If you would like to do the quiz click on the link in the description box, you sign up to my mailing list and I send the quiz and all of the information directly to your inbox, and you can share your results in the comment section down below.


Another big thank you to Lingoda, the sponsor of today"s video.

再次感谢 Lingoda,今天视频的赞助商。

Click on the link in the description box and use code LOVE2021 for 20% of all of their courses.

请点击描述栏中的链接,然后使用优优惠码 LOVE2021,获得所有课程的八折优惠。

This offer ends on the 1st of March.

活动于3 月 1 日结束。

If you"ve missed the deadline I will put another active code in the description box so that you don"t miss out.


Don"t forget to connect with me on all of my social media.


I"ve got my Instagram, my Facebook, and my website, englishwithlucy. co. uk.

我有 INS、脸书、我的网站 englishwithlucy. co. uk。

I will see you soon for another lesson.


本文如果对你有帮助,请点赞收藏《语法干货- in on at作时间和地点介词的用法》,同时在此感谢原作者。

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