
能治愈伤心的温情小句子 满是可爱 深沉又深情!


The morning glow reflected her happy smiling face as bright as a rose;Slightly upturned corners of the mouth hanging full of joy 说好一起到白头你却中途染了头

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The morning glow reflected her happy smiling face as bright as a rose;Slightly upturned corners of the mouth hanging full of joy.


You dyed your hair in the middle of going gray.


You don"t have to chase happiness, as long as you put your head up and move forward, happiness will always follow you.


"Why are you always looking for me?""I occupy, excuse me you are zhong Wuyan?"


Don"t take yourself too seriously. If you feel wronged, helpless and want to cry, these are an indispensable part of your life.


You"re like a relative of mine.What?My father"s son-in-law.Flirt with her boyfriend


How beautiful the world is, how dark the heart is.


Some things, can never replace, just like some people, a lifetime forget.


Not I do not love, but my heart tired.


"I"m afraid of getting stuck in traffic when I travel with you."


Your efforts may be invisible to others, but as long as you fail others will see, this is the reality.


If I could turn every time I think of you into a single flower, there would always be a garden of flowers around me.

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