
英语教育类 演讲稿 微笑 让生活更美好Smile make life better


Smile is an allpurpose attraction, it can make groups and nations get cohesion and unity 我们的学校有几千人,我们生活在这个大家庭

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微笑,让生活更美好Smile, make life better生活中,需要自信,需要拼搏,需要坚持……In life, you need to be confident, you need to struggle, you need to insist...可是,你是否忽略了最重要,也是最根本的一点——微笑!However, whether you are neglecting the most important, is also the most fundamental point - smile!微笑是一把神奇的钥匙,它能打开人的心灵的枷锁,微笑是一剂良药,能消除人与人的隔阂;Smile is a magic key, it can open the shackles of people"s mind, smile is a medicine, can eliminate the estrangement between people;微笑是一个人的美德,它能使你的情操得到升华;Smile is a person"s virtue, it can make your sentiment get sublimation;微笑又是一种万能的吸引力,它能使团体和民族得到凝聚和团结。Smile is an all-purpose attraction, it can make groups and nations get cohesion and unity.我们的学校有几千人,我们生活在这个大家庭中,难免会有些磕磕碰碰,在这个时候,你其实什么也不用说,只需一个歉意的微笑,就能使对方刚刚燃起的怒火得到平息。Our school has thousands of people, we live in such a big family, it is inevitable that there will be some bumps and downs, at this time, you actually do not need to say anything, just an apologetic smile, can make the other party just ignited anger to calm down.“伸手不打笑脸人”这是微笑的力量。This is the power of smiling.当你看到对方谅解的微笑时,你便会觉得狭小的空间变得开阔了,我们周围的人是那样和善、友好。When you see the understanding smile of the other person, you will feel the narrow space becomes wider, and the people around us are so kind and friendly.不仅日常生活需要微笑,在学习生活中它也是必不可少的。Smile is not only needed in daily life, but also necessary in study life.俗话说“花无百日红”,一个人有成功,必然也会遭受失败,甚至会使我们倒下。As the saying goes "flowers never red for a hundred days", a person has success, is bound to suffer failure, and even make us fall.但是,不必退宿,我们可以重新爬起来。But we don"t have to retreat. We can get back up.用自信的微笑去打败挫折,战胜困难,整理好自己心情,鼓起自信的风帆,向着未来进发!With a confident smile to defeat setbacks, overcome difficulties, tidy up their mood, summon up the sails of confidence, toward the future!我们都知道,未来必定还会遇到困难,但是,时常对自己说一句“有了微笑,有了勇气困难能奈我何?”We all know that there will be difficulties in the future, but often say to yourself, "with a smile, with the courage to difficulties can I?"此时,你就有了希望。At this point, you have hope.纵使前路漫漫,但自信如我们,必然会有渡过难关的勇气!Even if the road ahead is long, but confident as we, will certainly have the courage to tide over the difficulties!只有心里有阳光的人,才能感受到现实的阳光,如果连自己都常苦着脸,那生活如何美好?Only those who have sunshine in their hearts can feel the sunshine of reality. If they are always suffering, how can life be better?所以,常对自己微笑,才能更好地感受生活。So smile to yourself and you will feel life better.如果微笑是花,那么请让它时常绽放你的脸上,如果微笑是光,那么请让它倾洒你的脸庞。If a smile is a flower, let it always bloom on your face, if a smile is light, let it pour on your face.用敏锐的目光审视全世界,用嘴角勾起的弧度,给世界一个富有个性的答案。Look at the whole world with a keen eye, and give the world a personalized answer with the radian of the mouth.愿同学们在育英这个大家庭中尽享快乐,感受微笑人生。I wish the students in this big family Yuying to enjoy the happiness, feel the smile of life.

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