
送给自己的治愈文案 温柔深情 触动了眼泪


Along the way, with the thiefs eyes staring at you;Im not a thief I just dont want to see the light 滑动几下桌面 然后锁屏

友情提示:本文共有 1299 个字,阅读大概需要 3 分钟。


Along the way, with the thief"s eyes staring at you;I"m not a thief. I just don"t want to see the light.

滑动几下桌面 然后锁屏

Swipe the desktop a few times and lock the screen


"I was thinking about you all day."


If a cup of water can change life not sad.I still will loathe to give up, loathe to forget all about you.


I hope you stay together, because of love, not because you have no choice.I hope you fall in love because of fit, not because he is too handsome or too strong.


Maybe it"s my naivete that hurts your heart!Stop torturing yourself with the painful past!I don"t hurt you!


"So they can secretly protect you."


Thousands of words can not express my feelings for you, I just want to walk with you.


I want you to be the second happiest person in the world, you will ask: why not the first, because let me know you, I am the happiest person in the world!


Love you is a flash in the pan, you love me is a greed.


Right now, who lives in your heart.


Because of you, so I go running, to quit smoking, to work hard.

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