
总有一句适合现在的你 适合各种情绪的短句 需要拿走


我的心很悲伤。 我的眼泪流到河里,我的人品也很好。 你为什么不爱别人? 你不爱我吗?My heart is sad My tears run into the river, and

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我的心很悲伤。 我的眼泪流到河里,我的人品也很好。 你为什么不爱别人? 你不爱我吗?

My heart is sad. My tears run into the river, and I"m a good person. Why don"t you love others? Don"t you love me?


Because even if give up dignity, give up individuality, give up stubborn, also just can"t let you ignore.


I love the people for me to pay everything, I for the people I love tears broken heart!


When we parted, your image remained in my heart, like the shadow of time, pleasing my melancholy.

我们有没有明天,爱上你后不后悔,分手也没有什么值得惋惜的。 因为我们彼此真心相爱。

We have no tomorrow, after falling in love with you do not regret, breaking up is not what to regret. Because we love each other.


Broken line kite flying high, youth is doomed to a sad, who also do not know, who also do not accompany, the wind has no trace of the cloud into inadvertent, lost you are doomed to a lifetime can not regret

在无可奈何的情况下,我又翻了翻你以前的情书,情不自禁地泪如雨下! 不由得愤怒涌上心头,化为灰烬,与泪水一起咽下。

In helpless circumstances, I turned over your previous love letters, can not help but tears! I could not help but feel my anger rising and turning to ashes and swallowing with tears.

无论白天黑夜,我都爱你。 不管刮风下雨,我每天都和你在一起; 不管有多委屈,都很抱歉。 为什么要失去你!

I love you day or night. Rain or shine, I will be with you every day. No matter how wronged, I"m sorry. Why should I lose you!

下午的空气很温暖,没有听清楚收音机里在唱什么。 我傻笑着,想起了像我们在一起时那样傻笑。

The afternoon air was warm and I couldn"t hear what was being sung on the radio clearly. I giggled, remembering to giggle like we did together.

我能打动你的心吗? 看你是不是有良心真心,看我是不是痴情相爱,换来的是伤心心痛,你真的心疼吗?

Can I touch your heart? See you whether have conscience sincerely, see me whether spoony love, in return is sad heartache, you really love dearly?

我想看你。 因为想你,所以看到你也不敢接近你。 你那么冷淡。 要是不那么冷就好了。 因为我真的喜欢你。

I want to see you. Because miss you, so see you do not dare to approach you. You"re so cold. If only it weren"t so cold. Because I really like you.

我知道你不敢向我坦白。 请不要看我的悲伤。 虽然你没有说要离开我,但是我已经感觉到你不是我的了。

I know you"re afraid to be honest with me. Please don"t look at my sorrow. Although you did not say to leave me, BUT I already feel that you are not mine.

说有人爱我,又离我而去; 把我从天堂推入地狱,那个人就是你。 雨停了,溪水怎么流? 如果你走了,爱怎么求? 如果没有水,鱼怎么游泳? 没有感情了,该怎么走?

That someone loved me and left me; You pushed me from heaven to hell. How does the stream flow when the rain stops? If you go away, what will love beg? How can fish swim if there is no water? No feelings, how to go?

远方的恋人,我不追究以前,也不期待永远。 认识你是我一生的错,爱上你是我一生的幸福。 今生无悔!

Distant lovers, I do not pursue the past, also do not look forward to forever. Knowing you is my life"s fault, falling in love with you is my life"s happiness. No regrets in this life!

怎么能忘记呢? 你悲伤的表情,我的心事好像扫不了叶子,你明明在流泪,你却说不悲伤,我讨厌今晚的雨下得有点无情。

How could you forget? Your sad expression, my mind seems to sweep the leaves, you clearly in tears, you said not sad, I hate tonight"s rain a little ruthless.

明明分手了,为什么会感到深深的无力感? 眼泪出来了。 你怎么能把它堆在海里呢?

Obviously broke up, why can feel deeply powerless feeling? Tears came out. How could you dump it in the ocean?

真难啊。 我想为你想一切,但我内心的痛苦越来越多。 而且我知道如果增加这份痛苦,我的心就会麻木失去我们的感情。 我不想再支持你了,可能会逃避爱你

It"s so difficult. I want to think of everything for you, but the pain inside of me is mounting. And I knew that if I added to the pain, my heart would numb and lose our relationship. I don"t want to support you anymore, maybe run away from loving you

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