
关于人生的简短语录 寓意深刻 句句耐人寻味!

时间:2014-02-22 22:45:23


关于人生的简短语录 寓意深刻 句句耐人寻味!


Life is like tea, and man is like tea. There are also grades. Someone has a bright appearance and attracts people"s attention. However, once tasted, but greatly disappointed, tasteless for a long time, like that overnight tea.

Some people are not surprising in appearance, but like a cup of tea, the more they taste, the more fragrant their teeth remain, lasting for a long time, this is the top grade. Tea needs, people also need!

二、每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有的伤悲,人总有那么一段时间要学会自己长大。我们之所以要努力,不是为了改变世界,而是为了不让世界改变我们。无论你是谁,无论你正在经历什么,坚持住,你定会看见更坚强的自己。everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, people always have a time to learn to grow up. The reason why we have to work hard is not to change the world, but to prevent the world from changing us. No matter who you are, no matter what you are going through, stick to it, you will see a stronger self.

三、大喜大悲看清自己,大起大落看清朋友。没有一个足够宽容的心,就看不到一个春光明媚的世界。但凡能说透的东西,基本也就是释怀了,要知道,心结,是说不清楚的,甚至说不出口。sees itself with great joy and great sorrow, and friends with great ups and downs. Without a tolerant heart, we can"t see a bright spring world. But anything that can be said clearly is basically a relief. You know, the heart knot is not clear, or even can not be said out.

四、如果你真的想做一件事情,那么就算障碍重重,你也会想尽一切办法去办到它。但若是你不是真心的想要去完成一件事情,那么纵使前方道路平坦,你也会想尽一切理由阻止自己向前。If you really want to do something, then even if there are many obstacles, you will do everything you can to do it. But if you don"t really want to accomplish something, even if the road ahead is smooth, you will do everything you can to stop yourself from moving forward.

五、 人生是一场永不落幕的演出,每一个人都是演员,只不过,有的人顺从自己,有的人取悦观众;人生是一场一个人的旅程,无人可替代,总有人离开,总有人到来。人生的每一场相遇,都是缘分,没有对错。life is a never-ending performance, everyone is an actor, but some people obey themselves, some people please the audience; life is a personal journey, no one can replace, there are always people leave, there are always people come. Every encounter in life is fate, no right or wrong.

六、爱的时候,要相信爱情;离开的时候,要相信自己。不羡慕别人有多热闹,毕竟如今看热闹的多,援手的少;想听笑话的多,能开导的少。很多时候,低质量的合群不如高质量的独处,经历多了,懂得了什么样的人才值得交往。loves, believe in love; when leaving, believe in yourself. Do not envy others how lively, after all, now more busy, less help; want to listen to jokes, less enlightenment. In many cases, low-quality group is not as good as high-quality solitude, experience more, know what kind of talent is worth contacting.

七、 人活一世,珍惜自己所拥有的,才能使自己幸福,追寻适合自己的,亦能使自己更幸福。受挫、失误、不幸和磨难,是成长的催长素,也是成熟的催熟剂。我们不希望有痛苦,但也绝不能惧怕痛苦。唯有征服自己的人,才有能力去征服一切。people live a lifetime, cherish what they have, in order to make themselves happy, to pursue what suits them, but also to make themselves happier. Frustration, mistake, misfortune and suffering are auxins for growth and ripening agents for maturity. We do not want pain, but we must not fear it. Only those who conquer themselves have the ability to conquer everything.

八、她微微低着头,细碎的小花簌簌地在风中撒落不停,阳光折射,一切都那样刚刚好。窗外的云朵流淌,你的背影也是那样的明媚,和风吹拂你的长发,吹拂你的衣襟,你的目光投向远方,在思索,在怀念She lowered her head slightly, the tiny flowers rustled in the wind, the sunshine refracted, everything was just like that. Clouds flowing outside the window, your back is so beautiful, and the wind blowing your long hair, blowing your skirts, your eyes to the distant, in thinking, in remembrance.

九、为别人鼓掌的人也是在给自己的生命加油。一个人几乎可以在任何他怀有无限热忱的事情上成功。生命力的意义在于拚搏,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场。applause for others is also refueling their lives. A man can succeed in almost anything he has unlimited enthusiasm for. The significance of vitality lies in fighting, because the world itself is an arena.

十、没有不可治愈的伤痛,没有不能结束的沉沦,所有失去的,会以另一种方式归来。活下去,给自己一个理由,给朋友一份温暖,懂也好,错也好,真真假假,总有人生的错,也有唯一的暖。has no irreparable pain, no irreversible sinking, all lost will come back in another way. Live, give yourself a reason, give friends a warm, understand or wrong, true or false, there are always mistakes in life, there is only one warm.

十一、流浪的心,是生命的奇迹,鼓舞的情,是感恩的明白,一个珍惜,一个付出,一个懂得,一个怀抱,回首人生的懂,一个问号,一个错号,一个人生的失落。The wandering heart is the miracle of life, the inspiration, the understanding of gratitude, a treasure, a pay, a know, a embrace, a look back on life, a question mark, a wrong number, a loss of life.

十二、人生如梦而非梦,淡而凝香;生活若水而非水,淀而清远。与光阴同韵,久而成歌。如若不是我爱你,怎会让你把我伤得那么痛彻。自己喜欢的日子,就是最美的日子。适合自己的活法,就是最好的活法。Life is like a dream, not a dream, light and condensate; life is like water, not water, but far away. Rhyme with time, and become a song over time. If I hadn"t loved you, how could I have hurt you so badly? The day you like is the most beautiful day. The best way to live is to live for yourself.

十三、 我能走一万步去见你,也愿意退一万零一步离开你。别傻了,一个人的努力,永远无法决定两个人的关系。人活着内心的痛苦源于看不透,舍不得,输不起,放不下。I can take 10,000 steps to see you, and I"d like to take 10,000 steps back from you. Don"t be silly, one person"s efforts can never determine the relationship between two people. People"s inner pain in life comes from being unable to see through, reluctant to give up, unable to lose and unable to let go.

十四、人生最大的修养是包容。它既不是懦弱也不是忍让,而是察人之难,补人之短,扬人之长,谅人之过,而不会嫉人之才,鄙人之能,讽人之缺,责人之误。The greatest accomplishment in life is tolerance. It is neither cowardice nor tolerance, but the difficulty of examining people, making up for their shortcomings, promoting their strengths and forgiving their faults, instead of being jealous of their talents, contemptible of their abilities, satirizing their shortcomings and blaming others for their mistakes.

十五、每个人都在奋不顾身,都在加倍努力,得过且过只会让你和别人的差距越来越大。成长路上,不要总想着何处有捷径,你只管向前跑。记住,梦想不是空口无凭的大话,而是在寂静的奋斗里努力生长的果实。everyone is desperate, are redoubling their efforts, to live through will only make you and other people"s gap wider and wider. When you grow up, don"t always think about shortcuts. Just run forward. Remember, dreams are not empty talk, but the fruit of hard work in silent struggle.

十六、生活不能等待别人来安排,要自己去争取和奋斗;而不论其结果是喜是悲,但可以慰藉的是,你总不枉在这世界上活了一场。有了这样的认识,你就会珍重生活,而不会玩世不恭;同时,也会给人自身注入一种强大的内在力量。Life can"t wait for others to arrange it, to strive for it and strive for it; whether the result is joy or sorrow, but it can be consoled that you have always lived in vain in this world. With this understanding, you will value life, not cynicism; at the same time, you will inject a strong inner strength into yourself.

十七、总有一日,我要在一个充满阳光的早晨醒来,那时我要躺在床上,静静的听窗外如洗的鸟声,那是多么安适而又快乐的一种苏醒。will wake up one day in a sunny morning, when I will lie in bed and listen quietly to the sound of birds washing outside the window. It is such a peaceful and happy awakening.

十八、有多少人像我一样,有时候觉得自己是多余的。受了许多委屈,很伤心很难受,却还是会笑着告诉所有人,我很好我没事。people like me sometimes feel that they are redundant. Having suffered a lot of grievances, I am very sad and sad, but I will still laugh and tell everyone that I am fine.

十九、世界上根本就没有十全十美,可能差了许多,也可能只差一分,可无论多少,都不能让事物本身变得完美,只有怀着一颗包容的心去看待它,这时才可以说它是完美的。world is not perfect at all, may be a lot worse, or only one point worse, but no matter how much, can not make things perfect themselves, only with an inclusive heart to see it, then it can be said that it is perfect.

二十、有时候,我们变得连自己都不认识,孤立,平淡,没有激情甚至是冷漠,可是不能否认,我们每个人的内心深处都藏着一个善良的,勇敢的,敢爱敢恨,不愿平凡,对生活充满激情,热爱生活的自己。sometimes, we become not even aware of themselves, isolated, flat, no passion or even indifference, but can not be denied. Recognize that each of us has a kind, brave, dare to love, hate, do not want ordinary, full of passion for life, love life itself.

二十一、 我觉得最好的状态,并不是两个人坐下来有说不完的话,而是肩并着肩你也无话可说我也懒得扮小丑,你翻着手边的报纸我靠在你的肩膀上懒洋洋打着哈气,不必患得患失,也没有拼命表现自己的欲望,一切都刚刚好,相信你也相信我们有未来。

I think the best state is not two people sitting down with endless words, but shoulder to shoulder you have nothing to say and I am too lazy to dress up as a clown, you turn over the newspaper I lean on your shoulder lazily, do not have to worry about gains and losses, and do not desperately express their desire, everything is just right, I believe you also believe that we have the future.

人生哲理经典简短语录 耐人寻味 谁看谁受益

人生哲理经典简短语录 耐人寻味 谁看谁受益



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