
适合置顶的心情文案 温柔又文雅 治愈内心


你愿意用青春的绿色酿造未来丰富的金秋!衷心祝贺,用智慧Spring is a green world, and autumn is a golden world You are willing to

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Spring is a green world, and autumn is a golden world. You are willing to brew rich golden autumn with youthful green! Heartfelt congratulations, with wisdom


Grandpa died, because his mother didn"t grow up with him, so the relationship with him was not very good. After calmly handling things, she fell on the bed and sobbed when she came back at night.


I sing our songs and think about our notes, because I love you, love you, love you.


I am finally wandering, with no harbor and no direction, but I am always chasing the satirical waves. I don"t know what else can make me live, what else can I pursue.


Our friendship is a cup of mellow and delicious old wine. After a long time, the taste becomes stronger. It will not be diluted by tea, awakened by dreams and melted by ice.


Unfortunately, some important people didn"t even take photos with you until they left.


Tang Priest rides a horse, Wukong clouds, Bajie loves Xiaoyueyue, and Friar Sand pretends to be Brother Sharp.


If others promise you a little, you will open your heart; If others comfort you a little, you will burst into tears; Others symbolically help you fight injustice, and you want to commit suicide. Maybe it"s not your innocence, maybe you feel inferior or lonely for too long.


I thought that love, like hot water, kept flowing, but like fog, disappeared after squandering.


"Can I secretly call your mother?" Listen, an outsider, this is called sadness ~

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