
唯美语录:人生 总会有不期而遇的温暖 和生生不息的希望



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一、爱之所以有价值,是因为很少有机会遇到如此珍贵的爱。人生是公平的,即使你受苦很多,只要你坚持,就会有收获,即使你失败了,你也会获得别人没有的经验。Love is valuable because there are few opportunities to meet such a precious love. Life is fair, even if you suffer a lot, as long as you persist, there will be gains, even if you fail, you will also gain experience that others do not have.

二、一件事,即使是好的,一旦没有结果,不要纠结,你会很长一段时间疲劳;一个人,即使你再错过它,如果你不能把握它,你应该及时放手。在很长一段时间里,你会感到悲伤和心碎;最痛苦的是,消失的东西永远不会回来,但它会在你的心中留下一根细而尖的针,头,一直拉不出来,它要你痛,你就痛。One thing, even good, once no result, don"t tangle, you will be tired for a long time; a person, even if you miss it again, if you can"t grasp it, you should let it go in time. For a long time, you will feel sad and heartbroken

the most painful thing is that the disappeared thing will never come back, but it will leave a thin and pointed needle in your heart, the head, has not been pulled out, it wants you to pain, you will pain.

三、爱是一个人在等待,一个人在爱,一个人在陪伴,一个人在思念。没有钱,没有关心,没有问候有什么用?没有笑声和温度的大房子有什么用?不管一辆车有多贵,都没有人陪。Love is a person waiting, a person in love, a person in company, a person in missing. What"s the use of no money, no care, no greetings? What"s the use of a big house without laughter and temperature? No matter how expensive a car is, nobody accompanies it.

四、因为我,无论旅途多远,你都不会孤独;因为你,无论一天多么简单,我也不会孤独。内心稳定的人,即使没有自己的房子,也可以一步一步地做自己的事情,幸福地生活。Because, no matter how far you travel, you will not be lonely; because you, no matter how simple a day is, I will not be lonely. People with stable heart, even without their own house, can do their own things step by step and live happily.

五、爱你使我不会失去你。抱歉让我无法平静下来。我等不及要告诉你。对不起,我不能失去你。当我看不见你的时候,我有很多话要对你说。当你在身边的时候,我感觉很安静,我依赖你,即使我不说话,也很好。Loving you keeps me from losing you. I"m sorry I can"t calm down. I can"t wait to tell you. Sorry, I can"t lose you. When I can"t see you, I have a lot to say to you. When you are around, I feel very quiet, I rely on you, even if I do not speak, it is also very good.

六、有时候,我们愿意原谅一个人,不是说我们真的想原谅他,而是说我们不想失去他。Sometimes, we are willing to forgive a person, not that we really want to forgive him, but that we do not want to lose him.

七、学会欣赏一个人,比会爱一个人更重要。在这个世界里,不同的性格,不同的人生,不同的环境造就着不同的遇见,很多遇见,会让我们刻骨铭心。人生,总会有不期而遇的温暖,和生生不息的希望。Learning to appreciate a person is more important than loving one. In this world, different personalities, different lives, different environments create different encounters, many encounters, we will be deeply impressed. Life, there will always be unexpected warmth, and endless hope for life.

八、人要低头做事,更要睁眼看人,择真善人而交,择真君子而处。要做一个坦荡的人,做个真诚的人,做个善良的人,做个有尺度的人。人活着,一份自然再加一份真,不属于自己的,只是偶尔路过你。人要善良,但要有尺度,要辩得是非,不是所有人都值得你付出真心或是发善心。做人不要斤斤计较,但要有原则。People should bow their heads and do things. They should open their eyes to others, choose the true and the good, and choose the true gentleman. To be an open-minded person, a sincere person, a kind person, a person of scale. People live, a natural plus a true, do not belong to their own, but occasionally pass you.

People should be kind, but there must be a yardstick, to argue right and wrong, not all people deserve your sincere or charitable heart. Don"t try to be a man by all means, but by principle.

九、不要因为寒冷而抱着别人,不要因为孤独而找别人,不要因为新鲜而失去最爱你的人。有些人,有些事情,应该忘记它,人们永远不会把你放在心上,为什么你要多愁善感。Don"t hold someone because it"s cold, don"t look for someone because it"s lonely, don"t lose someone who loves you most because it"s fresh. Some people, some things, should forget it, people will never care about you, why do you have to be sentimental.

十、没有人会为你的未来付出代价,你要么努力爬上去,要么在社会的底层腐烂,这就是生活。不要等待受伤的安慰,不要等到离开才知道如何珍惜。有时候,如果你错过了现在,你就没有机会了。No one will pay for your future. You either try to climb up or rot at the bottom of society. That"s life. Don"t wait for the comfort of injury, don"t wait to leave to know how to cherish. Sometimes, if you miss the present, you have no chance.

十一、你去过很多地方,做了很多事情,遇到了很多人。有些人相信你,有些人质疑你,但你错了,你一直在向很多人解释你做了什么。事实上,这不应该向其他人解释。因为喜欢你的人不需要解释,不喜欢你的人总是有理由诽谤你。You"ve been to many places, done many things, and met many people. Some people believe in you, some question you, but you are wrong, you have been explaining to many people what you have done. In fact, this should not be explained to others. Because people who like you don"t need to explain, people who don"t like you always have reason to slander you.

十二、世界上最困难的是感情,最难要求的是真情,最难猜测的是心情,最痛苦的是自我放纵。每个人都有一个角落,他们不能出去,其他人不能进去。The most difficult thing in the world is feeling, the hardest thing to ask for is truth, the hardest thing to guess is mood, and the most painful thing is self-indulgence. Everyone has a corner. They can"t go out. Others can"t go in.

十三、有人说他们要感谢你的前任们让你成长得更好。我不这么认为。当你感到疼痛,想要撕裂你的心和肺的时候,那就是你咬紧牙关,努力前进的日子。为什么要感谢别人?你得谢谢你自己。Some say they want to thank your predecessors for making you grow better. I don"t think so. When you feel pain and want to tear your heart and lungs, that"s the day you grit your teeth and work hard. Why thank others? You have to thank yourself.

十四、我们真的过着艰苦的生活。首先,我们必须承受各种外部压力,更重要的是,我们必须面对自己内心的困惑。在艰苦的斗争中,如果有人给你一个理解的眼神,你会感到生活的温暖,也许仅仅一个短暂的一瞥就足以让我感到很感动。We really live a hard life. First of all, we must bear various external pressures, and more importantly, we must face our own inner confusion. In the hard struggle, if someone gives you an understanding look, you will feel the warmth of life, maybe just a brief glance is enough to make me feel very touched.


The world is a mirror, good people will have bad people, good people will have evil, so fate is just to shuttle back and forth in both sides of the mirror. The person I admire most is myself. Only I can help myself, go through mountains and overcome difficulties again and again.


There are so many truths in life, there are so many helplessness. Understanding is the harm of life, the only love eye, put down the last love eye, indifferent to one"s understanding, hide too many grievances, lonely one"s mood, the best humble, is only the scenery in the heart.


It"s not that there"s no water in the well, it"s that you don"t dig deep enough. It"s not that success comes slowly, it"s that you don"t work hard enough. Sometimes you don"t know how happy a person is without serious love.


The honest way of life is actually to act according to your body"s wishes. You eat when you are hungry, and you don"t have to lie when you love. When you are around, happiness is sweet; when you are not around, you miss infinitely.


I like the wind in spring, the rain in summer, the leaves in autumn, the snow in winter, and you in all seasons of the year. I"ll wait for you, like waiting for a boat at the airport, a car at sea, and a snow in June, but I"d like to.

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