
可以让人舒缓的情感文案 懂你不易 不缺乏雅致!


You must have a good life, or Im sorry I wont disturb you 告别一定更难,因为多一个眼神可能就是最后一个,多一个字可能就是最后一个

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You must have a good life, or I"m sorry I won"t disturb you.


It must be harder to say goodbye, because one more look may be the last one, and one more word may be the last one.


Maybe one day I will disappear into your life, maybe you won"t come to me again, and I won"t bother you again. Since then, we are far apart and no longer contact.


Don"t bother is my tenderness, I will give you tenderness and stop bothering you.


When I first arrived, I felt that this place was not suitable for me, which was a bit tangled. After a long time, it seems that we have become accustomed to such ordinary and fulfilling days.


If you feel disturbed, please tell me, and I won"t disturb you again.


God, forget everything. Stop disturbing each other is our respect for each other.


Some people, as soon as they met, looked at each other for thousands of years; Some movements, once started, the water under the bridge.


I used to think being alone was the loneliest thing. Later, I realized that the lonelier thing than loneliness is that although there are many people around me, I found that no one can really understand myself.


The most important thing for a woman to marry a good man is a sense of security. The so-called sense of security means that you don"t care and you earn money to support your family, which is also a sense of responsibility. Because there is always a storm in life, men should be in the forefront. There will be disasters in life, and men should be able to keep out the wind and rain. There is friction in life, and men should be considerate and tolerant. Men are not gender, but responsibility. Bad men impress women with sweet words, while good men reassure women with promises.

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