
个性十足的情书文案 温柔又含蓄 治愈一切忧伤


You dont have to avoid me You just need to complete these propositions and I will leave automatically 之后,我不再逃避,我一步一步的深入人心寻找答案,自在和希望常伴我左右

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You don"t have to avoid me. You just need to complete these propositions and I will leave automatically.


After that, I no longer escape. I go deep into the world step by step to find the answer. Freedom and hope are always with me.


When love comes, I am no longer in the swamp. I don"t need anyone to save me. I don"t love with the attitude of being loved anymore.


I walk forward with love and meet the person I love, so I take his hand and move forward to the country ahead.


Feeling "love" should be a behavior without position


Is that you suddenly see such a person on a plain day. He changed your original way of life, affected your desire to fall in love, and then knew, understood and decided to be together.


I always think that this is called "love".


Instead of subjectively wanting "love", you want a "sense of richness", or more directly, you want to get rid of the feeling of loneliness.


Or see the happiness between other people"s husband and wife, and stimulate your desire for love. So I look forward to it, grope hard, explore, and try to meet the right person.


At this time, I feel that the essence of love has been misunderstood.

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