
被伤心包围的情感文案 简单高级 简单又文艺!


Mature, not learn to express, but learn to swallow, when you learn to restrain many things little by little, you can contr

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Always desperate to like someone, and then let yourself give up black and blue.


Mature, not learn to express, but learn to swallow, when you learn to restrain many things little by little, you can control your life well.


There are only so many places around a person, and there are only so many places you can give. In this narrow circle, some people want to come in, and some people have to leave.


The saddest thing is that you frown, but I have no reason to hug you.


At that moment, we turned around and left, making our love turn into recollection.


Clearly loving you makes you brave enough to chase the person you like.


After graduation, many things were subverted. Originally, the school beauty will become ugly, and the upper and lower bunks can fall in love. Originally, job hunting can have nothing to do with major. Originally, not everyone is qualified to be hidden rules. Originally, everyone is equally anxious about the future. Originally, they didn"t take classes or exams, so they couldn"t get a degree certificate. Originally, the first job paid so little. Originally, the job fair was too crowded to go in. Originally, it was very difficult to get married after graduation. It turns out that reading is really good.


Listening to music with headphones hurts my ears, lying down watching videos hurts my eyes, and my mobile phone runs out of electricity, making me dizzy and want to throw up. I am not a pessimist, but sometimes I really feel lonely like a dog.


An unswerving attachment. Do not love anything, do not miss anything, do not miss true love, find a true lover, and you will have real happiness. Feelings, slowly taste will understand; People"s hearts are clear when they look carefully. What you can see is pleasing, but what you can feel is really good.


If you are not happy, try to laugh. At least if you try to smile, you won"t feel so sad.


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