
可以让人舒缓的情感文案 简短温柔 充满温暖


我想你了,可不能对你说,怕只怕,说了,对你,也是一种折磨!I miss you, cant say to you, afraid only afraid, said, to you, is also

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I miss you, can"t say to you, afraid only afraid, said, to you, is also a kind of torture!

你晓得泰语 撒那嘿呦是甚么意义吗?我爱你。我也是。

Do you know what the Thai word sa na yo means?I love you.Me too.


Unrequited love is a kind of politeness, narcissism is a kind of pride, Ming love is a kind of style, not love is a taste.


I want to turn into the wind and give you a little kiss.


Only after displaced from place to place, in order to re-examine the traces of time left in the heart.


Tears are very innocent, but dare not ask where is wrong, because we are afraid out of love injury.


It"s my pleasure to have a crush on you but I can only watch you walk towards someone else


There are only two lucky times in life, one to meet you and one to go to the end.


Thank you I can not live in your eyes, so I can hug your back.


Lonely night, unreal drunk, our love is very beautiful.


Female: Are you nearsighted?M: No.W: Then why can"t you see I like you (no wonder you can"t see I like you).


You stand there and don"t move!Wait till I get there!

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