
满眼都是遗憾的文案 句句心酸 充斥心里


Love and being loved go hand in hand 真的不喜欢你不是因为你忙吧I really dont like you because youre busy事实上,有许多瞬间,你本

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Love and being loved go hand in hand.


I really don"t like you because you"re busy


In fact, there are many moments, you should also like me, but these moments, fleeting, you do not insist, I am not serious.


There will be a boy who will tell you with his actions that he wants to be with you all the time, get married and stay with you all the time. It"s you who sleep beside the pillow and accompany him to the old age.


Look down on the gentleman, look down on the villain


Your eyes are gentle, the moonlight will melt, so will I.


There is no secret to the so-called "from the beginning to the end". Just love, a little emotional, cold war, know a little Thanksgiving.


Heart beat is the answer, heart set is.


In the past days, I went back and forth to find him, not jealous, but sad and affectionate, he never gave me.


I miss when we first met, with a little gentleness.


All of a sudden, just like a glimpse, love at first sight is too perfunctory, love after a long time is too pale, other people"s eyebrows are flying, and I just look at you.


When you are old, you will not fall in love secretly. Even if you care, if you are indifferent to each other, your heart will be broken immediately.

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