
抚慰忧伤的情感小句子 浪漫又深情 适合你的品味


You ask me do not want you, I ask myself, when I do not want you 没有你,良辰美景可与何人说

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Say sorry to yourself, these years have not learned to love yourself


You ask me do not want you, I ask myself, when I do not want you.


Without you, beautiful moments can be said with who.


Even go to the south also can"t hide the wind and rain, because without you where are wandering.


A woman is single because she has no man to love.Men are single because they have no women to love them.


Always want to give you the best in the world, but find the best is you.


Forget the memories, continue to be life, miss, just pass by.


Familiar street, strange taste, this feeling is very empty, unbearable day, the passage of time.


You were doomed the first time I met you.


Thought that without you, I can be a strong person, finally know that I can not.


The feeling of sudden strangeness and hopelessness of a person close to you, like being scalded by cold water.


Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around smiling tears.

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