
英语常用句型介绍之There must be……一定有……句型


There must be翻译为一定有

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“There be...”是表示某事物存在与否的句型,还可以用各种情态动词以及含有情态意义的动词或动词短语。“There must be...”翻译为“一定有……”。


◆ We must be well prepared, there must be no slips.


◆ There must be some misunderstanding.


◆ There must be some misunderstanding—I thought I ordered the smaller model.


◆ There must be something you want to forget in your life.


◆ If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary party.

既要革命, 就要有一个革命党.

◆ There must be a catch in this plan.



Do we have any food?There must be some food in your bag we can eat.

Thanks God!




There used to be no school in the mountains.

The learning environment is still poor here today.



What happened in the supermarket?There happened to be our president in the supermarket.

It"s amazing!





There may be... 可能有……

There used to be... 曾经有…

There seems to be... 似乎有……

There happen to be... 碰巧有……等。

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英语常用句型介绍之:There being……有……句型

英语常用句型介绍之:There being……有……句型

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